War verhaftet: 16.04.2008, freigegeben: 17.04.2008
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🇵🇦 Panama
Ch. Tanker
1 982 Jahr
Verhaftungen 1
Liste der Verstöße
11101 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Lifeboats (no responsibility of RO)
13101 - PROPULSION AND AUXILIARY MACHINERY - Propulsion main engine (no responsibility of RO)
03105 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Covers (hatchway-, portable-, tarpaulins, etc.) (no responsibility of RO)
02116 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Bulkheads - cracking (no responsibility of RO)
04103 - EMERGENCY SYSTEMS - Emergency, lighting,batteries and switches (no responsibility of RO)
15108 - ISM - Reports of non-conf., accidents & hazardous occur. (no responsibility of RO)
03107 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Doors (no responsibility of RO)
02109 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Permanent means of access (no responsibility of RO)
09211 - LIVING AND WORKING CONDITIONS - WORKING CONDITIONS - Steam pipes and pressure pipes (no responsibility of RO)
11124 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Embarkation arrangement survival craft (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
09219 - LIVING AND WORKING CONDITIONS - WORKING CONDITIONS - Pipes, wires (insulation) (no responsibility of RO)
11101 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Lifeboats (no responsibility of RO)
02120 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Marking of IMO number (no responsibility of RO)
09232 - LIVING AND WORKING CONDITIONS - WORKING CONDITIONS - Cleanliness of engine room (no responsibility of RO)
11112 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Launching arrangements for survival craft (no responsibility of RO)
11112 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Launching arrangements for survival craft (no responsibility of RO)
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 17.04.2008
Ort des Verstoßes: Pyeongtaek, Korea, Republic of
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: Global Marine Bureau Inc.
Quelle: tokyo-mou.org
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