War verhaftet: 04.02.2022, Erscheinungsdatum unbekannt
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General Cargo
2 650
1 990 Jahr
Verhaftungen 7
Liste der Verstöße
11104 - Life saving appliances - Rescue boats - no responsibility of RO;11108 - Life saving appliances - Inflatable liferafts - no responsibility of RO
Zusätzliche Daten
Ort des Verstoßes: Port of Dakar (Senegal)
Unternehmen: Amin Shipping Co SA
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: Other
Schiffsname: MV ONDA
Flagge: Guyana
Quelle: abujamou.org
10113 - Safety of Navigation - Automatic Identification System (AIS) - Other;10129 - Safety of Navigation - Navigation records - Other;1101(2) - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Cargo Ship Safety Equipment (including exemption) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1102 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Cargo Ship Safety Construction (including exempt.) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1104 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Cargo Ship Safety Radio (including exemption) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1106 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Document of Compliance (DoC/ ISM) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1108 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Load Lines (including Exemption) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1119 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - International Sewage Pollution Prevention Cert. - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1124 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP) - International Naval Surveys Bureau
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 08.01.2020
Ort des Verstoßes: Tin Can Island Port (TCIP) (Nigeria)
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Naval Surveys Bureau
Schiffsname: MV ONDA
Flagge: Togo
Quelle: abujamou.org
10113 - Safety of Navigation - Automatic Identification System (AIS) - Other;10129 - Safety of Navigation - Navigation records - Other;1101(2) - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Cargo Ship Safety Equipment (including exemption) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1102 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Cargo Ship Safety Construction (including exempt.) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1104 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Cargo Ship Safety Radio (including exemption) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1106 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Document of Compliance (DoC/ ISM) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1108 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Load Lines (including Exemption) - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1119 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - International Sewage Pollution Prevention Cert. - International Naval Surveys Bureau;1124 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP) - International Naval Surveys Bureau
Zusätzliche Daten
Ort des Verstoßes: Tin Can Island Port (TCIP) (Nigeria)
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Naval Surveys Bureau
Schiffsname: MV ONDA
Flagge: Togo
Quelle: abujamou.org
Nautical publications
Voyage or passage plan
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment (including exemption)
Lifebuoys incl. provision and disposition
International Sewage Pollution Prevention Cert.
Medical certificate
Propulsion main engine
15 PPM Alarm arrangmts.
Provisions quantity
Lighting (Working spaces)
Railing, gangway, walkway and means for safe passage
Ventilators, air pipes, casings
Emergency, lighting,batteries and switches
Fire drills
Abandon ship drills
Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions
Ready availability of fire fighting equipment
Fire pumps and its pipes
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 09.03.2016
Ort des Verstoßes: Souda
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Naval Surveys Bureau
Schiffsname: TRADER
Flagge: Togo
Quelle: parismou.org
10128(3) - Safety of Navigation - Navigation bridge visibility - no responsibility of RO
7106(3) - Fire safety - Fire detection and alarm system - no responsibility of RO
Zusätzliche Daten
Ort des Verstoßes: Novorossiisk
Unternehmen: Boy Shipping Sarl
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Naval Surveys Bureau
Schiffsname: KUKI BOY
Flagge: Togo
Quelle: bsmou.org
7106(2) - Fire safety - Fire detection and alarm system - no responsibility of RO
7116(2) - Fire safety - Ventilation - no responsibility of RO
Zusätzliche Daten
Ort des Verstoßes: Novorossiisk
Unternehmen: Boy Shipping Sarl
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Naval Surveys Bureau
Schiffsname: KUKI BOY
Flagge: Togo
Quelle: bsmou.org
Beams, frames, floors-corrosion
Emergency fire pump and its pipes
INMARSAT ship earth station
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 03.10.2014
Ort des Verstoßes: La Rochelle- La Pallice (GPM)
Unternehmen: CHARTERING HC BOYE , , , DK
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Naval Surveys Bureau
Schiffsname: KUKI BOY
Flagge: Togo
Quelle: parismou.org
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