War verhaftet: 09.08.2024, freigegeben: 13.08.2024
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🇰🇲 Comoros
Bulk Carrier
5 790
1 975 Jahr
Verhaftungen 4
Liste der Verstöße
10109 - Safety of Navigation - Lights, shapes, sound-signals - no responsibility of RO
10111 - Safety of Navigation - Charts - no responsibility of RO
10116 - Safety of Navigation - Nautical publications - no responsibility of RO
10117 - Safety of Navigation - Echo sounder - no responsibility of RO
14118 - Pollution prevention - Marpol Annex I - Other (MARPOL Annex I) - no responsibility of RO
15150 - ISM - ISM - no responsibility of RO
4103 - Emergency Systems - Emergency, lighting,batteries and switches - no responsibility of RO
5110 - Radio Communications - Facilities for reception of marine safety inform. - no responsibility of RO
5113 - Radio Communications - SART/AIS-SART - no responsibility of RO
9210 - Living and Working Conditions - Working Conditions - Machinery - no responsibility of RO
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 13.08.2024
Ort des Verstoßes: Zonguldak; Türkiye
Unternehmen: Mina Group Shipping Ltd
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Naval Surveys Bureau
Flagge: Comoros
Schiffstyp: Bulk carrier
Quelle: bsmou.org
10106 - Safety of Navigation - Compass correction log - no responsibility of RO
10109 - Safety of Navigation - Lights, shapes, sound-signals - International Naval Surveys Bureau
10110 - Safety of Navigation - Signalling lamp - no responsibility of RO
10111 - Safety of Navigation - Charts - no responsibility of RO
10128 - Safety of Navigation - Navigation bridge visibility - no responsibility of RO
11101(2) - Life saving appliances - Lifeboats - no responsibility of RO
11109 - Life saving appliances - Rigid liferafts - no responsibility of RO
11131(2) - Life saving appliances - On board training and instructions - no responsibility of RO
1117 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) - International Naval Surveys Bureau
1308 - Certificate and Documentation - Documents - Records of seafarers' daily hours of work or rest - no responsibility of RO
13101 - Propulsion and auxiliary machinery - Propulsion main engine - no responsibility of RO
13102 - Propulsion and auxiliary machinery - Auxiliary engine - no responsibility of RO
13108 - Propulsion and auxiliary machinery - Operation of machinery - no responsibility of RO
15150 - ISM - ISM - no responsibility of RO
4103 - Emergency Systems - Emergency, lighting,batteries and switches - no responsibility of RO
4118 - Emergency Systems - Enclosed space entry and rescue drills - no responsibility of RO
5115 - Radio Communications - Radio log (diary) - no responsibility of RO
6105 - Cargo operations including equipment - Atmosphere testing instruments - no responsibility of RO
7110 - Fire safety - Fire fighting equipment and appliances - no responsibility of RO
7111 - Fire safety - Personal equipment for fire safety - no responsibility of RO
9201(2) - Living and Working Conditions - Working Conditions - Ventilation (Working spaces) - no responsibility of RO
9203 - Living and Working Conditions - Working Conditions - Lighting (Working spaces) - no responsibility of RO
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 26.01.2024
Ort des Verstoßes: Zonguldak; Turkey
Unternehmen: Mina Group Shipping Ltd
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Naval Surveys Bureau
Flagge: Comoros
Schiffstyp: Bulk carrier
Quelle: bsmou.org
10111(5) - Safety of Navigation - Charts - no responsibility of RO
10114 - Safety of Navigation - Voyage data recorder (VDR)/Simplified Voyage data recorder(S-VDR) - no responsibility of RO
10117 - Safety of Navigation - Echo sounder - no responsibility of RO
10129 - Safety of Navigation - Navigation records - no responsibility of RO
1106 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Document of Compliance (DoC/ ISM) - no responsibility of RO
1124 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP) - no responsibility of RO
1315 - Certificate and Documentation - Documents - Oil record book - no responsibility of RO
14801 - Pollution prevention - Ballast Water - Ballast Water Management Plan - no responsibility of RO
15150 - ISM - ISM - no responsibility of RO
3102 - Water/Weathertight conditions - Freeboard marks - no responsibility of RO
5109 - Radio Communications - VHF radio installation - no responsibility of RO
5113 - Radio Communications - SART/AIS-SART - no responsibility of RO
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 19.03.2023
Ort des Verstoßes: Zonguldak; Turkey
Unternehmen: Mina Group Shipping Ltd
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Naval Surveys Bureau
Flagge: Comoros
Schiffstyp: General cargo/multipurpose
Quelle: bsmou.org
1101 - Certificate and Documentation - Ship Certificates - Cargo Ship Safety Equipment (including exemption) - Dromon Bureau of Shipping
11101 - Life saving appliances - Lifeboats - Dromon Bureau of Shipping
7106 - Fire safety - Fire detection and alarm system - Dromon Bureau of Shipping
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 24.12.2020
Ort des Verstoßes: Zonguldak; Turkey
Unternehmen: Mina Group Shipping Ltd
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: Dromon Bureau of Shipping
Flagge: Moldova, Republic of
Schiffstyp: Bulk carrier
Quelle: bsmou.org
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