War verhaftet: 31.07.2017, freigegeben: 01.08.2017
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General Cargo
5 100
2 006 Jahr
Verhaftungen 3
Liste der Verstöße
11199 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Other (life saving) (no responsibility of RO)
07117 - FIRE SAFETY - Jacketed high pressure lines and oil leakage alarm (no responsibility of RO)
07126 - FIRE SAFETY - Oil accumulation in engine room (no responsibility of RO)
02199 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Other (Structural condition) (no responsibility of RO)
02199 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Other (Structural condition) (no responsibility of RO)
07120 - FIRE SAFETY - Means of escape (no responsibility of RO)
03103 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Railing, gangway, walkway and means for safe passage (no responsibility of RO)
99102 - OTHER - Other (SOLAS operational) (no responsibility of RO)
02199 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Other (Structural condition) (no responsibility of RO)
02199 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Other (Structural condition) (no responsibility of RO)
15107 - ISM - Emergency preparedness (no responsibility of RO)
04114 - EMERGENCY SYSTEMS - Emergency source of power - Emergency generator (no responsibility of RO)
11101 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Lifeboats (no responsibility of RO)
15109 - ISM - Maintenance of the ship and equipment (no responsibility of RO)
03103 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Railing, gangway, walkway and means for safe passage (no responsibility of RO)
07103 - FIRE SAFETY - Division - decks,bulkheads and penetrations (no responsibility of RO)
07109 - FIRE SAFETY - Fixed fire extinguishing installation (no responsibility of RO)
11199 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Other (life saving) (no responsibility of RO)
07120 - FIRE SAFETY - Means of escape (no responsibility of RO)
13101 - PROPULSION AND AUXILIARY MACHINERY - Propulsion main engine (no responsibility of RO)
11101 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Lifeboats (no responsibility of RO)
13102 - PROPULSION AND AUXILIARY MACHINERY - Auxiliary engine (no responsibility of RO)
07103 - FIRE SAFETY - Division - decks,bulkheads and penetrations (no responsibility of RO)
11101 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Lifeboats (no responsibility of RO)
14104 - POLLUTION PREVENTION - MARPOL ANNEX I - Oil filtering equipment (no responsibility of RO)
07109 - FIRE SAFETY - Fixed fire extinguishing installation (no responsibility of RO)
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.08.2017
Ort des Verstoßes: Dalian, China
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: Korea Classification Society
Schiffsname: KO SAN JIN1
Flagge: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Schiffstyp: Container ship
Quelle: tokyo-mou.org
07120 - FIRE SAFETY - Means of escape (no responsibility of RO)
03108 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Ventilators, air pipes, casings (no responsibility of RO)
07101 - FIRE SAFETY - Fire prevention structural integrity (Union Bureau of Shipping)
03108 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Ventilators, air pipes, casings (no responsibility of RO)
15109 - ISM - Maintenance of the ship and equipment (no responsibility of RO)
03105 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Covers (hatchway-, portable-, tarpaulins, etc.) (no responsibility of RO)
07106 - FIRE SAFETY - Fire detection and alarm system (no responsibility of RO)
03108 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Ventilators, air pipes, casings (no responsibility of RO)
11101 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Lifeboats (no responsibility of RO)
11101 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Lifeboats (no responsibility of RO)
03108 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Ventilators, air pipes, casings (no responsibility of RO)
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 25.08.2014
Ort des Verstoßes: Kobe, Japan
Unternehmen: Dahan (HK) Shipping Co Ltd
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: No class
Schiffsname: FU HONG
Flagge: Cambodia
Schiffstyp: General cargo/multipurpose
Quelle: tokyo-mou.org
01214 - CERTIFICATE AND DOCUMENTATION - CREW CERTIFICATES - Endorsement by flagstate (no responsibility of RO)
07123 - FIRE SAFETY - Operation of Fire protection systems (no responsibility of RO)
03108 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Ventilators, air pipes, casings (no responsibility of RO)
11132 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Maintenance and inspections (no responsibility of RO)
07114 - FIRE SAFETY - Remote Means of control (opening,pumps,ventilation,etc.) Machinery spaces (no responsibility of RO)
01315 - CERTIFICATE AND DOCUMENTATION - DOCUMENTS - Oil record book (no responsibility of RO)
10128 - SAFETY OF NAVIGATION - Navigation bridge visibility (no responsibility of RO)
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 09.06.2013
Ort des Verstoßes: Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Unternehmen: Dahan (HK) Shipping Co Ltd
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: Union Bureau of Shipping
Schiffsname: FU HONG
Flagge: Cambodia
Schiffstyp: General cargo/multipurpose
Quelle: tokyo-mou.org
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