Optima Crewing Services is located in Zaporizhzhya, the regional Ukrainian center in the South East of Ukraine.
Our city is a major center of Ukrainian industry, the heart of a native river-sea fleet, the homeland of international company Ukrrichflot, the center with an extensive maritime background.
We are practical and empowered experts in technical issues.
A big deal of universities, colleges and professional schools for turners, fitters, welders, crane operators, deckhands, engineers and other staff are located here.
We know everything about ships’ renovation, assembling, as well as maintenance, overhauling, and construction.
The long history of Seafaring and Shipbuilding makes our city the best match for what we do.
Nowadays, we still have many opportunities to work with industry requirements and enhance our potential.
over 50000 exceptional Ukrainian crew members in our database, 80 percent of them are Top 4 Officers.
95 percent of English speakers with the necessary and legible Marlins, CES, and Videotel certifications.
Crew retention rate is up to 90%.
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