Which of these are indications that a parcel is suspicious?
The parcel is addressed to no one in particular, arrives unexpectedly and seems heavy for its size.
The parcel smells like chocolate.
The parcel came from Joe in the safety department and arrived quicker than expected.
The parcel is wrapped in clean, brown paper and is addressed to a crewmember from his wife.
The method of extinction by smothering is based on this basis:
The fire extinguished by avoiding the contact between the fuel vapours and the oxygen.
The fire is extinguished by eliminating the heat so as to obtain a temperature at which the fuel doesn’t give off enough vapour.
The fire is extinguished by interrupting the chain reaction, as it stops the transmission of heat by means of the action of chemical agents.
The fire is extinguished by avoiding the contact between the fuel vapours and the hot surface.
Which Security Levels requires the highest security alert?
When can a partly loaded bulk cargo space be entered when the vessel is at sea?
For hatch cleaning purposes.
On instructions from the CPO (Bosun).
In no circumstances except possibly in an emergency.
Which of the following areas may be possible restricted areas? Review all answers.
Via Inmarsat-C a message is sent to an Inmarsat-C mailbox with a positive delivery notification (PDN). The ground station will:
Send a PDN, if the message has arrived in the mailbox.
Send no PDN’s with messages intended for the mailbox.
Send a PDN, as soon as the message is collected from a mailbox.
On a fire patrol at night you see smoke coming from a closed cabin door. What action should you take first?
Activate the nearest fire alarm button and advise bridge of the location of the fire.
Take a look inside the cabin to see what the situation is.
Get the nearest fire extinguisher and then open the door to see what the situation is.
As most people are sleeping, call a friend and ask him to assist in putting out the fire.
With an Inmarsat-C installation there is the addressing-option “special”. Via this option:
Give one of Inmarsat’s “special access codes”.
You can send a message by express delivery.
You can deliver a message via a special telegram.
In general what is the proportion of concentrate to water to produce foam?
This operation is done automatically and in relation to the foam.
In which one of the following an oil, the flash point of which only needs to be over 43 °C, may be used?
Which is the “CAPSTAN”, in the figure?
The Capstan is indicated by A.
The Capstan is indicated by B.
The Capstan is indicated by C.
The Capstan is indicated by D.
What is understood by the term “Boat Drill”?
“Boat Drill” means the practical training in the various aspects of getting all the people onboard safely off the ship, in the event of abandoning ship.
“Boat Drill” is an exercise to launch the lifeboats and move the boats clear of the ship.
“Boat Drill” is an exercise in the practical and safe methods to secure a boat alongside the ship.
“Overshoot” is an expression we use when talking about a ship’s steering ability. What is the definition of this expression?
It is the way a ship turns when you put the helm in a hard over position.
It is how many degrees a ship continues to turn after you apply counter rudder.
It is the way a ship shoots forward when you give “a kick ahead”.
It is the way a ship continues to turn when the helm is put amidship.
One of the checks during the annual Class survey of the UMS functions is focusing on cleanliness of the engine room. What is the reason for such a check?
To reduce the general risk of fire in an unmanned engine room.
To avoid frequent alarms.
To have the engine room looking tidy.
To prevent risk of pollution.
Which of these conventions is The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code a part of?
The Anti Terrorist International Agreement.
Who is responsible for ensuring your ship completes a security assessment?
Company Security Officer.
Flag State Administration.
Recognized Security Organization.
What is the correct understanding of the term “Block Coefficient” as applied to a ship?
The comparison of the underwater shape of the ship, to a rectangular block of the same extreme dimensions.
The ratio of the waterplane shape of the ship to a rectangle of the same extreme dimensions.
The restriction of a valve in a pipe to the flow of fluid through that pipe.
The coefficient of a Block and Tackle.
Which of these actions should crew take if a suspicious object that may be a bomb is located during a search?
Confirm with their search partner that the object found is suspicious.
Place the object in a desk drawer or file cabinet.
Throw the object overboard.
Cover the suspicious object with a box or blanket.
When is a visitor onboard required to present an ID?
On SECURITY Level 1, 2 & 3.
Only on SECURITY Level 3.
On the figure there are four (4) possible directions shown by the arrowed lines. Which one would correctly shows the direction understood by the term “AFTER SPRING”?
After spring is defined as B.
After spring is defined as C.
After spring is defined as D.
After spring is defined as A.
When handling drugs:
Wear skin protection and a facemark.
Shut off the ventilation in the room where the drugs are being stored to ensure any vapours or fumes do not spread to other parts of the ship.
Test out the potency of the drug.
Briefly inhale powders, fumes or vapours to verify the substance is a drug.
If a fire starts in the fuel tanks of a vessel, the fire will be:
The aim of fire detection is:
All the answers are correct.
To discover where a fire starts.
To begin applying an emergency plan.
Why should Ground Stabilised True Motion display mode be avoided when using the ARPA for anti-collision purposes?
The collision regulations are based on ship courses through the water.
The Relative Motion display and relative vectors is the only display to use for anti-collision purposes.
The true vector can never give an indication of collision risk with another ship.
True motion does not provide the collision risk of other ships.
Could a lift be considered as an escape route from the engine room?
Yes, if it is constructed with class A materials.
It depends on the distance of the escape route.
What is flashpoint of an oil or liquefied gas?
The flashpoint for an oil or liquefied gas is the temperature at which it is possible to ignite the vapour above the liquid.
The flashpoint is the temperature needed to have a oil or liquefied gas pumpable.
The flashpoint is the mixture of oxygen and hydrocarbons needed to have an oil or liquefied gas to burn.
The flashpoint is the temperature the oil or liquefied gas need for self ignition.
Which of these weapons are widely available and commonly used by criminals and terrorists to further their aims?
What percentage of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1?
The percentage is not specified.
5-15 % of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1.
25-50 % of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1.
100 % of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1.
Which of the following are frequent causes of fires in accommodation?
1 – Smoking in bed, 2 – Covering of electric fires with blankets, 3 – overloading electric plugs.
Covering of electric fires with blankets.
Overloading electric plugs.
On the diagram, which letter indicates what is meant by the word “DRAUGHT” of the ship?
Draught is indicated by D, in the figure.
Draught is indicated by B, in the figure.
Draught is indicated by C, in the figure.
Draught is indicated by A, in the figure.
Which of these procedures should crew follow when conducting a bomb search?
Stand quietly in various spots around the space, listening for unusual sounds like the tick tock of a clock mechanism.
Wait in the area they’ve finished searching until they’re contacted for a status update.
Conduct random or spot checks of logical threat areas.
Search the perimeter of the space up to a height of 5 feet.
Which statement about the use of profiling onboard a ship is true?
A random selection process must be established.
Detection equipment can be used in place of profiling.
Profilers need at least half an hour to gather the information they need.
Only visitors can be profiled.
How does low expansion foam act as an extinguishing agent when dealing with oil fires?
By smothering and also by providing some cooling.
The heat from the fire causes the foam to produce an inert gas which gradually extinguishes the fire.
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “WINDLASS”. Which one is the correct one?
Windlass is given by C on the figure.
Windlass is given by D on the figure.
Windlass is given by B on the figure.
Windlass is given by A on the figure.
Who is authorised to operate lifting equipment around the ship?
Those ship’s personnel who have been assessed as competent and are duly authorised to do so by the master as per the procedures as outlined in the ship’s SMS system.
Deck officers and ratings, engineering officers and ratings, GP crew if applicable, who are in possession of crane operation training certificates issued by the company.
Stevedores manufacturer’s maintenance engineers and senior ratings only.
All the deck officers and ratings and selected engine-room personnel.
Who is responsible for issuing an ISPS certificate?
A stevedore is working in a cargo hold of a bulk carrier while completing discharge of a concentrate cargo. You suddenly notice that he appears to be taken ill. You should:
Assume problem due to lack of oxygen and/or toxic gas and rescue with self-contained breathing apparatus.
The foreman stevedore will deal with this situation.
Immediately enter space and give first aid.
Assume possible heart attack and give CPR.
Which of these types of information is considered sensitive?
Voyage itinerary and departure and arrival times.
Planned maintenance schedule and emergency response procedures.
Way points and training records.
Ship schematic and HR policies.
In order to extinguish a flammable liquid of the same kind as alcohol, we can use:
The Declaration of Security:
Addresses the security requirements shared between ships or between a port facility and a ship.
Details a ship’s security measures.
States the reporting procedures to government contact points.
Identifies the security responsibilities of shipboard personnel.
During a bomb search, which of the following is an important principle to follow?
Do not touch any suspicious packages.
Throw any suspicious items overboard.
Know exactly what a bomb looks like.
Try to reach behind bulkheads to find a bomb.
In the diagram, which arrow is pointing at the position known as the “Bridge”?
The Bridge is indicated by A.
The Bridge is indicated by B.
The Bridge is indicated by C.
The Bridge is indicated by D.
When acting as helmsman would you expect the reading of the gyro compass to be the same as the magnetic compass?
Very seldom would they be the same.
They would never be the same.
They would always be within 1 or 2° of each other.
They would always be the same.
Watch keeping engineers shall have a minimum knowledge of the vessel’s engine room and operation of its functions prior to being accepted as Engineer on Duty, and shall acknowledge his familiarization with the equipment by signing a check list listing all units he shall be able to operate. Minimum knowledge is:
He shall have all the knowledge as listed in the other alternatives.
Understand the function of all main and auxiliary equipment, e. g. machinery, pumps, fuel systems, cooling systems and the interlinks between various units and the function of them.
Check routines during operation and prior to switching to UMS-mode.
Start, operate and stop main and auxiliary machinery units, including switching between automatic, remote and/or manual control functions, and operate the various units in various modes.
Who is responsible for completing the DoS on behalf of the ship?
Company Security Officer.
What is the purpose of the Ship Security Plan?
Protect your ship from risks posed by security threats or incidents.
Outline specific measures for your ship to move from security level 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.
Detail the duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities.
Outline the organizational structure for the ship.
What do crew, visitors and contractors all have in common?
They all have opportunity to smuggle drugs.
They’re all onboard the ship for the duration of its voyage.
They’re all trained in ship emergency procedures.
They’re all employees of the ship.
What is the purpose of the Ship Security Plan?
Protect your ship from risks posed by security threats or incidents.
Outline specific measures for your ship to move from security level 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.
Detail the duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities.
Outline the organizational structure for the ship.
In the figure, which arrow indicates the direction “ASTERN”?
Astern is indicated by D.
Astern is indicated by B.
Astern is indicated by A.
Astern is indicated by C.
One of the categories of information that must be included in your SSP is:
Weaknesses in security measures.
Which of these are indicators that an individual may be a drug smuggler?
The individual wears bulky or out of season clothing.
The individual spends his or her free time hanging out with others.
The individual makes small local purchases.
The individual is disinterested in the ship’s cargo.
Apart from red, what other colour is frequently used for a dry powder extinguisher?
On a bulk carrier at the completion of loading and before closing hatch covers, the track ways must be:
Track ways swept and checked clear of obstructions.
What is the minimum capacity of the portable tank of a portable foam applicator?
What is the absolutely main purpose with fighting a fire on board?
What is the main advantage of a positive pressure breathing apparatus?
If the face mask has a leak toxic fumes/smoke would still not enter the mask.
It ensures a constant supply of air.
The positive pressure makes it easier to breathe when working hard.
It is less complicated and cheaper than a breathing apparatus of the demand type.
Where may as a general rule pressure containers for gas fire-extinguishing medium be kept? SOLAS II-2/5.1.10.
Outside the space which is to be protected.
In the space which is to be protected.
What is the correct understanding of the term “boat deck”?
The deck where the top of the lifeboats can be viewed.
The deck of a ship at the base of the accommodation.
The deck which is at the top of the double bottom tank on a cargo ship.
The deck where the lifeboats davits are positioned.
When could there be a demonstration of how to start a lifeboat engine?
A demonstration could be arranged during a lifeboat drill.
There is an instruction card inside the lifeboat showing how to start the engine.
A demonstration is not necessary, because there are a limited number of persons who given the responsibility for starting the lifeboat engine.
Starting the lifeboat engine is very easy and there does not need to be any demonstration.
If drugs are discovered onboard your ship:
Ensure the witness to the discovery signs your incident report.
Disembark crew and passengers as quickly as possible at the next port of call so the authorities can conduct their investigation.
Write a report a few days after the event and describe everything that occurred.
Notify the authorities after you arrive at the next port of call.
What kind of safety clothing should be worn during a mooring operation?
Helmet, safety shoes, gloves and protective clothes.
Safety shoes and boiler suit.
No particular safety clothes are required.
If the radar is set onto the Relative Motion Display, what would an echo of a target with no trail indicate? Note this the trail of the echo and not a vector.
The target is on the same course and speed as own ship.
The target is stopped and making no way through the water.
The target is on a constant bearing and getting closer to own ship.
The target is on a collision course with own ship.
Which activity will have the greatest fire-fighting effect in case of a fire?
Extinguishing attempt is started immediately.
All fire-fighting teams are organized as soon as possible.
All possible fire-fighting equipment is brought to the scene.
Which statement about IED’s is true?
All IED’s have four common components.
IED’s don’t cause serious damage.
IED’s are difficult to manufacture.
A very dusty cargo is to be loaded on a bulk carrier; what precautions on deck should be included?
All cranes, deck houses and storerooms fully closed down to prevent entry of dust.
No access allowed onto main deck.
No extra precautions need to be taken.
Decks washed down regularly.
What must be done after completion of ballasting operations on a bulk carrier?
All valves closed, tank ventilators in open position and sounding pipe caps replaced.
Sounding pipe caps left off.
All valves and lines left open.
All valves closed and tank ventilators to closed position.
On the figure there are four (4) possible directions, shown by the arrowed lines, which could be the correct direction associated with the term “HEAD LINE”. Which one is the correct one?
Head line is given by C on the figure.
Head line is given by D on the figure.
Head line is given by B on the figure.
Head line is given by A on the figure.
Which type of equipment can be used to detect explosives?
If circumstances permit, how should low expansion foam be applied to oil burning near a bulkhead of the engine room?
The foam should be aimed at the bulkhead behind the fire and allowed to spread out slowly over the fire.
The foam should be aimed at about 45° upwards so that it can drop onto the fire.
The applicator should be used in a sweeping motion to spread the foam over the surface.
The foam should be applied to the centre of the fire.
How can the effects of “Squat” be minimized, when a ship is proceeding in shallow water?
Maintain a slow speed just sufficient to maintain steerage.
Enter the shallow water with a stern trim and proceed at a moderate speed.
Decrease the speed and keep the ship to the centre of the channel where the water is probably deepest.
Maintain a speed of about 6 knots and use minimal rudder when manoeuvring.
The best way to identify an IED is to:
Recognize its components.
Measure the size of the object.
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “ASTERN” shown. Which one is the correct one?
Astern is defined as C on the figure.
Astern is defined as B on the figure.
Astern is defined as D on the figure.
Astern is defined as A on the figure.
The best way to identify an IED is to:
Recognize its components.
Measure the size of the object.
According to their physical state, extinguishing agents may be classified in to:
Solid, proteinic and gases.
Synthetic, proteinic, gases and liquid.
To guarantee optimal reception of VHF-DSC calls, every:
DSC-symbol is sent twice and checked extra by Error Check Character.
DSC-report is sent twice, at least every second call is compared with the earlier received call.
DSC-calls are repeated until received.
DSC-symbol is checked on the right amount of 10, and then checked on the correct relation by Error Checked Character.
Among the additives used to improve the effectiveness of water in the fight against fire there are the moisturing ones. What is the task they perform?
They reduce the surface tension of water.
They increase the viscosity of water.
They protect the fuel with a thin covering that holds up the ignition.
They protect the fuel with a thin covering that holds up the ignition and they increase the viscosity of water.
In the diagram, which arrow is pointing at the position known as the “Bridge”?
The Bridge is indicated by A in the figure.
The Bridge is indicated by D in the figure.
The Bridge is indicated by B in the figure.
The Bridge is indicated by C in the figure.
The extinguishing agent which can be applied on any fires of class A, B or C is:
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “CENTRE LINE”. Which one is the correct one?
Centre line is given by B on the figure.
Centre line is given by C on the figure.
Centre line is given by D on the figure.
Centre line is given by A on the figure.