A fully refrigerated gas carrier is designed for excess pressure in the cargo tank below ___.
0,7 bar.
11 bar.
2,5 bar.
0,3 bar.
Can a mix of propane and air be ignited if the percent of propane are 20 % by volume?
In sour crude oil you will find Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), is H2S a poisonous gas?
Yes already at a concentration of 300 ppm it is deadly.
Only if the concentration is 2 % or more.
Is an “Independent tank” a part of the hull structure?
Oil tankers of 70 000 dwt and above must have how many slop tanks?
What do we mean by “Load on top”?
New cargo loaded on top of old residues.
Load the cargo tanks to more than 98 % full.
Load cargo into the ships bunker tanks.
What is IMO’s definition of condensed gases?
It is liquids with vapour pressure above 2,8 bar at 37,8 °C.
It is liquids with vapour pressure lower 2,8 bar at 37,8 °C.
It is liquids with vapour pressure above 3,2 bar at 37,8 °C.
It is liquids with vapour pressure lower 0,7 bar at 37,8 °C.
What is the lowest percent of oxygen that have to be present before fire and explosion can take place even though both hydrocarbon gas and ignition sources are present?
10,8 % by volume.
12,3 % by volume.
6,5 % by volume.
14 % by volume.
What is the maximum allowed oxygen content in a cargo tank?
8 %.
5 %.
10 %.
17 %.
What must be the minimum oxygen content measured in a cargo tank before a person can enter the tank?
21 %.
20 %.
14 %.
As long as it is more than 12 % oxygen it is safe to enter the tank.
Where do you find design standards for new ships (oil tankers)?
IGC Code.
Which hydrocarbon compound has the formula C3H8?
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