Carbon di-oxide will be produced by burning hydrocarbon based fuels. What is the main environmental problem that this causes? Select the ONE best answer:
Greenhouse effect (global warming).
Acid rain.
Damage to plant life.
Do all companies have to follow ISO 14001? Select the ONE correct answer:
Yes, if their activities might cause pollution.
No, but all shipping companies must use ISO 14001.
No, use of the ISO 14001 standard is on a voluntary basis.
ISO 14001 uses the term “compliance obligations”. What does this mean? Select the ONE best answer:
Legal requirements that an organization has to comply with and other requirements that an organization has to, or chooses to, comply with.
The legal requirements that an organization has to comply with.
The MARPOL requirements that an organization has to comply with.
The IMO requirements that an organization has to comply with.
ISO 14001 uses the term “documented information”. What does this mean? Select the ONE best answer:
Any information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization and the medium on which it is contained.
Written information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization.
Digital information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization.
ISO 14001 uses the term “environmental impact”. What does this mean? Select the ONE best answer:
Change to the environment, whether good or bad, resulting from the company’s activities.
Adverse change to the environment, resulting from the company’s activities.
Positive changes to the environment, resulting from the company’s activities.
ISO 14001 uses the term “life-cycle”. What does this mean? Select the ONE best answer:
All the stages of a product or service from getting the raw materials to their final disposal.
The active working stage of the product or service.
Any part of a product or service that can be re-cycled.
If engine room bilge water cannot be processed through an oily water separator, what should be done with it? Select ANY answers that you think apply:
It should be discharged to a shore reception facility.
It should be allowed to settle in a stowage tank, which can then be lowered by pumping out overboard, keeping a watch for any oil in the overboard discharge.
It can be discharged overboard, if not in a special area, en-route and more than 50 miles from the nearest land or ice shelf.
In sulphur emission control areas, we must burn low sulphur fuels. What is the reason for this? Select the ONE best answer:
To reduce the production of oxides of sulphur, which cause acid rain.
To prevent the formation of smoke or coloured exhaust.
To reduce the formation of soot and particulate matter, which are bad for health.
In the cycle of continuous improvement used in ISO 14011, what does “PDCA” represent?
Plan, Do, Check and Act.
Plan, Do, Correct and Adjust.
Inside a special area, and if more than 12 nautical miles from land and en-route, what types of garbage can be discharged overboard? Select ANY answers that you think apply?
Food waste, cardboard, paper and similar bio-degradable materials.
Food waste, if ground and placed in plastic bags.
Food waste, either ground or not ground.
Ground food waste.
Is it true that a company having ISO 14001 certification must have a documented environmental policy?
Outside a special area, and if more than 12 nautical miles from land and en-route, what types of garbage can be discharged overboard? Select ANY answers that you think apply:
Food waste, cardboard, paper and similar bio-degradable materials.
Food waste, either ground or not ground.
Food waste, if ground and placed in plastic bags.
Food waste, cardboard, paper, wood and incinerator ashes.
Oxides of Sulphur will be produced by burning fuels containing sulphur. What is the main environmental problem that this causes? Select the ONE best answer:
Greenhouse effect (global warming).
Acid rain.
Damage to the Ozone layer.
What do the initials “ISO” stand for?
International Standards Office.
International Organization for Standardization.
What does ISO 14001 include in the term “the environment”? Select the ONE best answer:
All plant and animal life, air, water, land, natural resourses, humans and their interrelationships.
All plant and animal life, air, water and land, which could be directly affected by shipping.
Marine plant and animal life, air, water and land, which could be directly affected by shipping.
What is ISO 14001? Select the ONE best answer:
All International standard for environmental management.
An IMO regulation about pollution from ships.
Standards and guidelines for vessels and ship managing companies about safety and protection of the environment.
The International Ship Operator’s list of approved garbage reception facilities in ports.
What is the best strategy for dealing with pollution? Select the ONE best answer:
Local clean-up.
Where can we dispose of plastic?
At a shore reception facility only.
At a shore facility and at sea when more than 12 miles from land.
At a shore facility and at sea only outside special areas.
Why is it important that refrigerant gasses are not released to the atmosphere? Select the ONE best answer:
Refrigerant gasses, particularly CFCs and HCFCs can cause depletion of the ozone layer.
They are flammable.
They are very expensive.
Why should ship’s sewage be collected in a storage or treatment tank? Select the ONE best answer:
It is a threat to life in coastal areas and in the sea, and needs to be treated or have its discharge controlled.
It looks unpleasent in harbour areas or if washed-up on the beach.
There are local regulations in place in a few ports and harbours.
Этот тест проверяет знания стандартов экологического менеджмента ISO 14001, направленных на улучшение экологической деятельности судна, минимизацию негативного воздействия на окружающую среду и соблюдение международных стандартов.
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