Тест состоит из 80 случайных вопросов.
Всего вопросов по данной теме: 93
What is the direction of wind associated with an anticyclone (area of high pressure) in the Northern Hemisphere?
Directly away from the centre of the anticyclone towards the nearest low pressure.
Anticlockwise around the high pressure.
Straight towards the centre of the anticyclone.
Clockwise around the high pressure.
A distress call has been sent accidentally on your MF DSC equipment. Which of the following is correct for cancelling the false distress alert?
Make broadcast on 2 182 kHz “Mayday all stations…” and cancel the false distress alert.
Send a selective distress priority MF DSC call to the nearest MRCC – Inform it that a false distress alert has been transmitted.
Switch off the transmitter.
Send a all stations urgent priority MF DSC call.
Which option correctly completes the following statement? A failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is:
A practical assessment of failure.
A deductive prediction of failure.
Which option correctly completes the following statement? When an ECDIS system is in DR mode:
The bridge team can rely on this trusted method of navigation.
It is probably using the course and speed through the water for position update.
Two mooring lines are pretensioned equally and have the same length, same breaking strength and same directional load. However, one is made of wire (with a full load elastic elongation of about 1,5 % of its length) and the other made of nylon (with a full load elongation of about 30 % of its length). If a gust of wind increases the load on the lines, how will it be shared?
Wire takes 95 % of the extra load. Rope takes 5 % of the extra load.
The wire and rope will share the load equally.
What should a user look for during a pre-use check on lifting equipment?
Correct function of all equipment, including stops and limit switches.
That the lifting equipment is fully certificated.
A hand flare must have a burning period of at least:
Select the ONE answer which completes the following statement correctly. High priority safety findings during an OVID inspection:
Need to be addressed immediately by onboard staff.
Have to be passed on to the company owning or managing a vessel.
You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. You sight these lights on the port bow, on a steady bearing. The distance is closing. What are you looking at and what action will you take in compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea?
This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres and the tow, both being restricted in their ability to manoeuvre, seen from the starboard side. Under rule 18, I am required to keep clear and will take appropriate avoiding action.
This is a power-driven vessel, more than 50 metres in length or less than 50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre. The sidelight of a second vessel can be seen beyond her. Under rule 18, I am obliged to keep clear of the first vessel and will therefore take appropriate avoiding action.
What do crew, visitors and contractors all have in common?
They all have opportunity to smuggle drugs.
They’re all onboard the ship for the duration of its voyage.
They’re all employees of the ship.
They’re all trained in ship emergency procedures.
You receive via the 8 MHz a DSC distress alert. The received DSC message is however distorted. The MMSI as well as the position are illegible. After listening at the 8 MHz telephone distress frequency, nothing is heard. This is because:
Telephone signals in the same frequency band are generally weaker than DSC signals.
First an acknowledgement of a coastguard station must be received via the 8 MHz.
You should have listened on the 2 182 kHz.
Which option best completes the following statement. The greatest risk with a supply vessel’s dry bulk system is if:
The crew do not realise there is pressure in the system.
Cement gets damp and starts to set in the lines.
For how long should the self contained air support system on a totally enclosed lifeboat having its engine running be capable of providing safe and breathable air?
Your vessel is close to the entrance of a port in thick fog. You hear the following signal. What does it mean?
That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. It is less than 100 metres in length.
That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. It is more than 100 metres in length.
That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity.
How is a Safety Management Certificate obtained?
Ship owner is authorised to carry out internal audits and issue SMC.
Vessel is surveyed by MCA and certificate issued.
Ship owner has Document of Compliance issued, and vessel is assessed and holds all statutory certificates.
RSS issue SMC with Register.
Which option best describes how an operator establishes what an isolated danger symbol represents, when seen on the chart display of an ECDIS?
Check the chart symbols catalogue to ascertain the meaning.
Interrogate it and ask for a pick or information report.
What is the meaning of the “failure state” of an item of equipment used in the operation of a DP vessel?
It is how the equipment has failed, which could be partially or fully.
It is a numerical measure as indicated in the FMEA report.
How much lifeboat capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length?
50 % of the ship’s complement on each side.
100 % of the ship’s complement on each side.
125 % of the ship’s complement on each side.
150 % of the ship’s complement on each side.
If all indications are that a cargo has been received without damages, irregularities or short shipment and the phrase “apparent good order and condition” is entered on the Bill of Lading, then this Bill is this said to be:
A Bill of Lading completed for shipment.
An endorsed Bill of Lading.
A Due Title Bill of Lading.
Which option best describes what is meant by the Consistent Common Reference Point on a vessel?
It is a point on the vessel common to all position related sensors.
It is a position that the GPS aerial is in.
For security purposes, the IMDG Code should be read in conjunction with the:
Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS and Part A of the ISPS Code.
Part B of the ISPS Code and Chapter II of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Act.
IMO NVIC 24 and 46 CFR 2.05.
Chapter V of SOLAS and Annex II of MARPOL.
The following information must be given on the SART:
Date of replacement of the batteries.
Date of replacement of the hydrostatic release unit.
Which option best completes the following statement? An operator using ECDIS, will notice an out of position navigation buoy because:
There will be a flashing alarm on ECDIS showing which one is out.
The radar return and ENC buoy symbol will not coincide.
On board a DSC-call is to be made in case of an OBS. Choose the category:
When planning to cross an ocean, is it always best to use great circle sailing?
No – because there could be environmental or regulatory restrictions.
Yes – because it is the easiest sailing to compute and then follow.
You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean?
A vessel may proceed only when it has received specific orders to do so, except that vessels which can safely navigate outside the main channel need not comply with this message.
A vessel may proceed only when it has received specific orders to do so.
You may proceed with caution.
Vessels may proceed. Two way traffic.
Which statement best describes how an ENC chart gives advice on sounding data quality?
The chart has a Zone of Confidence function.
The chart has text on it that describes the sea floor type.
Why should an offshore vessel inspection be based on the CMID? Select the ONE best answer:
To ensure that the inspection regime can be varied.
To ensure that the inspection is the same for all similar vessels.
The ship is navigating in dense fog where the visibility is less than one mile. The Arpa radar is set on a range 12 miles on a course of 314 degrees and own ship has a vector as shown. What is the vector mode selected on the Arpa?
Relative vectors, ground stabilised.
Relative vectors, sea stabilised.
Your vessel is towing an unmanned barge and restricted in its ability to manoeuvre. The total length of the tow is 800 metres. What daylight signals are required by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?
A diamond shape, where it can best be seen shall be displayed on the tug and the tow. Three shapes shall also be displayed in a vertical line, the upper and lower being balls and the middle one a diamond.
Three shapes shall be displayed on the tug, where they can best be seen, in a vertical line, the upper and lower being balls and the middle one a cylinder. The signal flag “T” shall also be flown on the tug. A diamond shall be displayed aft on the tow.
At what minimum height above sea level must a SART transponder be mounted:
The good working of a SART transponder doesn’t depend on the height above sea level.
What would you call the wreckage of a yacht floating in the sea?
What is the world-wide system operated by the US Coast Guard exclusively in support of search and rescue operations?
The US Command and Control Rescue (USCOMR) Service.
The International Search and Rescue Coordination System.
The Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) System.
The Worldwide Maritime Mutual Assistance Programme (WMMAP).
After checked for open airway, given the first two inflations and checked the pulse to make sure that the heart is beating, what is the rate of inflations given until natural breathing is restored ?
Doesn’t matter how many times.
What would happen if, when a ship is under-going a Port State Inspection, certificates were invalid or missing?
Rectification would be required before sailing.
The ship would be allowed to sail to the next port and rectification would take place then.
The deficiencies would be recorded in the ships register and the ship allowed to sail.
The ship would be detained indefinitely.
What is meant by the “level” of system failure on a DP vessel?
It is failure of either a component, a supporting piece of equipment or the entire system.
It is a measure of how far a single failure will affect the position keeping ability of a vessel.
The transmitting power of the VHF is adjusted by setting:
The receipt of a distress alert is to be pronounced as followed:
Mayday (3x) / this is / own call-sign (1x) / received mayday / call-sign of ship in distress (1x).
Mayday (1x), call-sign of ship in distress (3x) / this is / own call-sign (3x) / received mayday.
What factors should influence the speed set on a vessel when connecting up a tug?
The type of tug and its desired position on the vessel.
The type of tug and the size of its towline.
Which option correctly identifies the meaning of the abbreviation ZOC, in relation to ECDIS?
A DSC distress alert single frequency call attempt is awaiting acknowledgement:
Automatically repeated after 1 to 1 and a half minutes.
Automatically repeated after 3 and a half to 4 and a half minutes.
Not repeated automatically.
Which of the following requirements regarding on board stability data corresponds to present regulations? (NSCL 4/12.1).
A calculation example showing the use of “KG” limitation curves..
Drawings and calculations documenting the stability of the ship, both in intact and all possible damage condition.
A calculation example showing use of “GM” limitation curves.
Stability data produced by stability calculation instruments.
Substances, materials and articles shall be stowed as indicated in the Dangerous Goods List of the IMDG Code, in accordance with a series of stowage categories, which are designated as:
5 categories, labelled A-E.
10 categories, numbered 1-10.
10 categories, lattered A-K (excluding I).
3 categories, numbered I, II and III.
How is the FMEA linked to a vessel’s DP “consequence” alarm?
When failure occurs, the consequence alarm uses FMEA information to inform the DP operator.
The FMEA report is based on how the consequence alarm operates, during failure.
What is the purpose of a route geometry check on an ECDIS?
It checks the planned turns to see if they are greater than a previously set value.
It assesses the route against the vessel turning characteristics.
According to the International Labour Organisation, how often should lifting appliances and items of loose gear be thoroughly inspected by a competent person?
Whilst sailing through a narrow coastal passage, an ECDIS alarm indicates that number 1 GPS HDOP value is outside set limits. What should happen on the bridge?
The receiver should be checked and the vessel’s position confirmed by other means.
Number 2 GPS should be selected as the primary receiver and the number 1 GPS switched off.
The emergency battery of a GMDSS portable radio:
Must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded.
Must be tested once a week.
Which of the following is a Accounting Authority Identification Code?
What does ISM stand for?
International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention.
Internal Ship Safety Management.
Internal Safe Manning Certification.
International Ship Measurement and Pollution Control.
On-board training in the use of davit-launched liferafts (including inflation and lowering whenever practicable) must take place.
Which option correctly completes the following statement? The FMEA process on a vessel’s DP system:
Should look at various system levels.
Looks only at the entire failure of a system.
Satellites which receive the 406 MHz Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB are:
Capable to determine the position of the EPIRB.
Only capable to determine the position of the EPIRB in certain circumstances.
Not capable to determine the position of the EPIRB.
The MF/HF-transceiver on board is tuned to the assigned frequency of a station. To make this connection the following mode is used:
Which two persons check the Declaration of Security? Select the correct pairing:
The Port Facility Security Officer and the Ship Security Officer.
The Company Security Officer and the Ship Security Officer.
The local Coast Guard Officer.
If during a DP vessel design, the FMEA predicts a possible catastrophic effect with a system failure, what will happen?
The design will be changed to remove the catastrophic event.
The effect will be logged for future operator information.
During helicopter evacuation of an injured man, what course should the ship steer?
With the wind astern so that the effect of the wind is reduced as much as possible.
With the wind fine on the bow opposite to the helicopter operating area.
As instructed by the helicopter pilot.
Your vessel is not in distress and not taking part in a distress operation. How would you impose radio silence on vessels which are interfering the distress traffic?
A ship in distress should transmit the appropriate alarm signal followed by the distress call and message on one or all of the international distress frequencies. Which of frequencies is in accordance with the present recommendations?
500 kHz, 2 182 kHz and 156,8 MHz.
550 kHz, 2 182 kHz and 121,5 MHz.
On an oil tanker, are there any restrictions as to the maximum amount of treated water that originates from cargo spaces that has passed through a bilge water separator that can be discharged?
Maximum is 30 litre per nautical mile and total is 1/30 000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
Maximum is 30 litre per nautical mile and total is 1/10 000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
Maximum is 60 litre per nautical mile and total is 1/30 000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
There isn’t any restrictions of pumping sludge from ships outside special areas.
To guarantee optimal reception of VHF-DSC-calls, every:
DSC-calls are repeated until received.
DSC-report is sent twice, at least every second call is compared with the earlier received call.
DSC-symbol is sent twice and checked extra by Error Check Character.
Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems are widely employed in all kinds of vessels, mainly passenger ships and Ro-Ro ships, with a high degree of success. The aim of these systems is to put out a fire but they may also be very useful even if they only ensure.
All the answers are correct.
The control of temperatures of surrounding areas.
The confinement of a fire.
The structural protection of the vessel.
For how long time should a VHF survival craft transceiver be able to operate on its batteries?
Select the ONE best answer to correctly complete the following statement. High priority findings during a CMID inspection:
Need to be addressed immediately by the crew.
Have to be passed on to the company owning or managing a vessel.
Under what convention is the master to ensure that a ship is seaworthy and in a fit state to safely carry a shipper’s cargo?
With a Relative Motion radar Display, what would an echo of a target with no trail indicate? Note that this is a target trail, not a vector.
The target is on a constant bearing and getting closer to own ship.
The target is on the same course and speed as own ship.
When during transmitting the display of a radiotelephone-installation shows a decrease in transmitting power it is:
An indication of aerial problem.
An adjustment of the semi-duplex transmitting power.
An indication of chosing a wrong channel.
An automatic adjustment of the chosen transmitting mode.
After passage planning with ECDIS, how should the route be checked for safety?
Investigate the displayed waypoint list after it is printed out.
Using the ECDIS route checker and by visually sighting all along it.
After confirmation that there is no other radio-traffic, we call on a VHF working channel of a coast-station. When you don’t get any reply:
You must wait 1 minute minimum before repeating your call.
You must wait 3 minute minimum before repeating your call.
You can repeat your call immediately.
What should happen if there are known defects on a vessel during an OVID inspection? Select the ONE best answer:
Tell the inspector, mentioning possible corrective actions.
Ensure that all defects are rectified before the inspection.
What is the purpose of an offshore vessel inspection based on OVID? Select the ONE best answer.
To ensure that the inspection is undertaken every five years.
To ensure that the inspection is common for all similar vessels.
Via Inmarsat-C a message is sent to an Inmarsat-C mailbox with a positive delivery notification (PDN). The ground station will:
Send a PDN, if the message has arrived in the mailbox.
Send a PDN, as soon as the message is collected from the mailbox.
Not send any PDN for this message.
Send no PDN’s with messages intended for the mailbox.
On area A3 the function “Transmission and reception of signals for locating” is mainly based on:
The use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs.
The use of SART transponders.
What should the crew do if there are known defects on a vessel during a CMID inspection? Select the ONE best answer:
Tell the inspector, mentioning possible corrective actions.
Highlight the defect and complain about the company or owner.
Which statement best describes what happens to the vessel symbol on an ECDIS set in North-up, true motion mode?
Vessel symbol moves across the screen.
Vessel is stopped on the screen, land moves relative.
What is understood by the term “Dew point” of the air?
All of the suggested answers.
The “Dew Point” is the point at the centre of an Anticyclone.
The temperature at which water vapour in the air forms into water droplets.
The temperature of the water vapour in a cloud.
Select one answer to correctly complete the following statement. Before a CMID inspection on a well run vessel:
There should not be many extra preparations.
There will be a lot of work to get the vessel to an acceptable standard.
What is the purpose of having an FMEA proving trial undertaken on a DP vessel?
To confirm the predictions in the FMEA report.
To see how well the vessel can hold position.
For the same vessel and the same rudder angle, is the diameter of the turning circle completed at full ahead smaller than one completed at half ahead?
Yes, there would be a change of shape of the turning circle; it would have an increase in the transfer, but not the advance.
Yes, it will be much larger turning circle at half ahead.
No, the diameter of the turning circle would be almost the same.
Yes, it would be a much smaller turning circle at half ahead.
Which of the following fittings shall be provided to all lifeboats:
A manually controlled lamp fitted on the inside.
An electric power starting system for the propulsion engine with one rechargeable energy source.
Permanent boarding arrangements on both sides to enable persons in the water to board the lifeboat.
A remotely operated steering arrangement.