Тест состоит из случайных вопросов по выбранной теме.
How many rocket parachute flares are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS A pack?
The operating mode of a pyrotechnic signal depends essentially on:
Instructions or diagrams printed on its casing by the manufacturer
The fact that the user is on board a liferaft, a lifeboat or ship
The weather conditions of the moment
A definite standard process
Which one of the listed requirements regarding buoyant smoke signals do not correspond to present regulations? The buoyant smoke signal shall:
continue to emit smoke when submerged in water for a period of 10 seconds under 10 cm of water
emit smoke for at least 3 minutes when floating in calm water
not be swamped in a seaway
give a bright red light during the entire emission time
GMDSS regulations require that vessels carry two-way VHF for survival craft. How many are required, and when do the regulations apply?
One per lifeboat and one spare from August 1993
None at present. 3 sets on all ships from August 1995
3 sets. New-builds from February 1992, other vessels from February 1995
3 sets. All vessels from August 1993
How is the activation of any detector or manually operated call point of fixed fire- detection and fire-alarm systems to be indicated? (SOLAS II-2/13.1.4)
By all the indication methods listed
By visual and audible signal at the control panel and indicating units
By sounding the ship-s fire alarm signal in crew accommodation and service spaces
By alarm signals at the bridge and engine room control panels
*What precautions are necessary to prevent soot fires in the exhaust boiler ?
Hose down the smoke side at regular interval
Clean the smoke side regularly with soot blower equipment
Clean the smoke side with chemicals
All the mentioned alternatives
What other purposes may a fixed fire-detection and alarm system be used for, in addition to fire indication? (SOLAS II-2/13.1.14)
Controlled closing of fire doors
Automatic closing of fire doors
Automatic activation of sprinkler system
What are the main basic components of a portable extinguisher?
The container, the hose, the safety pin
The shooting nozzle, the seal, the safety valve
The container, the extinguishing agent, the impulsion system
The seal, the pressure gauge, the extinguishing agent, the safety pin
Whilst in the Engine room you hear the CO2 release alarm, what action if any should you take.
Take no action as it is probably someone testing the system, as the fire alarm has not been sounded and the engine room is not on fire.
As CO2 can not kill you, secure present work and proceed out of engine room.
Leave the engine room as quickly as possible, closing all doors behind you.
Proceed to the engine control room and call the bridge for further instructions.
In a smoke filled alleyway, where will the cleanest air be found, and how should you proceed out?
Near to the upper part, stand as tall as possible and walk out
Near to the lower part, therefore sit down and wait for the rescue party
It will be the same in all the parts, therefore you should just leave as quickly as possible
Near to the deck, crawl out keeping your face as near to the deck as possible
At the and of a radio telex-connection, when a ‘store and forward' –message has been transmitted, the coast-station at least gives a:
Time (in UTC) whereupon the telex for the subscriber is delivered.
Approximate time when telex will be delivered
Code in letters which will be repeated when the telex has been delivered to the subscriber
If a ship in the MF-band wants to have a DSC-connection with a coast-station (no ‘distress alert’ or a test alert) the following frequencies are chosen:
TX: 2177.0 kHzRX: 2189.5 kHz
TX: 2177.0 kHzRX: 2177.0 kHz
TX: 2189.5 kHzRX: 2177.0 kHz
A wire aerial for an MF/HF –transmitter must be suspended between isolators:
to prevent contact with earth
to make the ………way for aerial currents as long as possible
to prevent burns when touching the aerial
A SART must be visible on the ship’s radar from a distance of at least:
Severe pains in the chest occur when the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart, become too narrow for sufficient oxygenated blood to reach the muscles of the heart. Normally these attacks only last a few minutes, and the pain stops if the casualty rests. What kind of medicine to be taken when an Angina Pectoris attack occurs?
Which muscle is the most persevering one in the body?
You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. Are you allowed to dump empty glass bottles overboard ?
Yes, glass bottles can be dumped overboard
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings
No, glass bottles can not be dumped overboard
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 50 mm openings
Which one of the following materials belong to Class 4.1, according to the IMDG code?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Wheeled fire extinguisher
Portable fire extinguisher
In which waters are piracy attacks most frequent?
*Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" as being assigned to members of the crew ?
operation of the vessel's propulsion system
use of communication equipment
preparation of manoeuvres intended to ease launching of the survival craft
preparation of immersion suits for the ship's passengers
Give the meaning of this symbol:
lifebuoy with line and smoke
lifebuoy with automatic sound signal
Llebuoy with light and smoke
lifebuoy with light and hand flare
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
muster station to liferaft
The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be proportioned as it follows:
length = 280 mm, breadth = 85 mm, depth = 10 mm
length = 480 mm, breadth = 115 mm, depth = 25 mm
length = 580 mm, breadth = 165 mm, depth = 30 mm
length = 380 mm, breadth = 145 mm, depth = 20 mm
A person wearing a thermal protective aid shall be able:
to climb up and down a vertical ladder
to wear a lifejacket inside
to jump into the water from a height of 4.5m
to swim a short distance trough the water and board a survival craft
Which one of the listed requirements regarding inflatable liferafts corresponds to present regulations? Every liferaft shall be so constructed that:
in the event of capsizing it will automatically attain a position providing an above water escape
have at least two entrances
it's canopy has viewing ports in all directions
it can be dropped from a height of maximum 18 metres
Which one among the following information shall be marked on the container of an inflatable liferaft:
SOLAS A PACK or SOLAS B PACK according to the type of emergency pack enclosed
the port of registry of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
the name of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
the number of the liferaft
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every liferaft ?
two painters of a length equal to not less than the distance from the stowage position of the liferaft to the waterline
instructions for immediate action
one searchlight which can work continuously for not less than 3 hours
How should the hook be released from a davit lowered liferaft?
Cut the weak link on the wire with the axe provided
Wait until the raft is waterborne, then pull the lanyard
Just prior to reaching the water, the lanyard should be pulled. This sets the hook which will automatically release once the raft is waterborne
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Lifeboat with waterproof canopy
Rescue boat with waterproof canopy
Which one of the following types of rope is the most dangerous to work with?
Noise level called "the injurious area" starts at:
The maximum height that a pilot should be required to climb on a pilot ladder before reaching the deck or stepping onto an accommodation ladder platform is:
The fire control draft on board is called the safety plan and shall be posted onboard. In port, a copy of this plan shall in addition be available from somewhere else. Where must this copy be available?
In the engine control room.
Handed over to the surveyors.
What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?
Persistent rain and very humid weather
Strong winds and heavy rain
Strong winds but with very little rain
Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.
Every passenger ship is required to carry:
A rescue boat capable of being launched by the assigned crew in 5 minutes
A fast rescue boat capable of being launched when ship is still making headway
A fast rescue boat capable of being lowered when the ship is at anchor
There is no requirement of any rescue boat
What are the required data inputs into most gyro compasses to reduce any possible compass error?
All of the data in the suggested answers
Maximum helm angle and rolling period
The responsible person for maintaining budget on board normally is:
What is the purpose of a "part flow display system" installed on some oil tankers ?
The Part Flow System makes it possible to observe the discharge visually for oil content, even in darkness
The Part Flow System makes it possible to discharge dirty ballast below the water line on older tankers
The Part Flow System makes it possible to measure the oil content, even if the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment is not working
The Part Flow System makes it possible to observe the discharge visually for oil content, on older tankers with discharge below the waterline
What English term is applied to dried foods that have been rehydrated by soaking in water or another liquid?
Which of the following kinds of fish is the least perishable in cold storage?
What will a cadet find in the engine room store?
A Cadet will find the emergency steering gear in the engine room store
A Cadet will find the spare anchor in the engine room store
A Cadet will find the spare propeller in the engine room store
A Cadet will find machinery spare parts in the engine room store
If a cargo is heated, which of the following happens?
Its weight does not change, but its volume increases - it expands.
Its volume does not change, but its weight decreases - it gets lighter.
Its weight does not change, but its volume decreases - it contracts.
Its volume does not change, but its weight increases - it gets heavier.
There is a permanently mounted mixer in the galley. It breaks down. What should the galley staff do about it?
The Cook should immediately place an order for a replacement unit to be delivered at the next port.
The catering staff should say nothing and hope that one of them can fix it before anyone notices.
They should report the defect through the proper system on board, isolate the power supply and place a notice on the mixer stating that it should not be used.
The catering staff are fully responsible at all times for galley equipment, so should fix it themselves and get it working at the earliest opportunity.
Gas detectors are widely used on liquefied gas carriers. Before using a portable combustible gas indicator which has not been used for a period of a few hours what action should be taken?
Just renew the batteries. A calibration is only required if the instrument gives false readings.
Just check the filters. If the sample is free to flow the indicator will work correctly.
Just carry out a zero check and adjustment. If the instrument reads zero correctly it will also read correctly throughout the scale.
Always carry out a full calibration and battery check.
Some vessels have a central hydraulic system consisting of a number of hydraulic power packs for driving cargo pumps, deck machinery, ship's cranes, etc. Which parameter is normally used to automatically bring the power packs on and off line to match operational demand?
Percentage of available flow.
Percentage of maximum pressure being used.
Temperature of hydraulic fluid.
Number of consumers running (pumps, etc.)
What action should the Master take if he is suspicious of an Officer’s certificate of competency?
Contact the local Harbourmaster-s office
Contact the issuing authority via the company office
Accept it without question
What is the depth of an iceberg below the surface of the sea?
The draught of an iceberg varies with the type of berg and its age.
The depth of an iceberg below the surface is always about one sixth of its total depth.
The draught of an iceberg is normally about 3/4 of its total depth.
The draught of an iceberg is about the same as the visible part of the iceberg above the water.
Select the option which best completes the following statement. "When carrying out repairs to damaged hatch gratings it is best to use…
…galvanised crosshead screws."
You are proceeding along a coastal route when you hear this signal. The visibility is severely restricted. What does the signal mean?
There is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding an additional warning signal to approaching vessels, directing them to "keep clear".
There is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in length. She is sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels that they are "running into danger".
There is a vessel aground in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels that they are "running into danger".
There is a vessel aground in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in length. She is sounding an additional warning to approaching vessels to "navigate with extreme caution".
During overhaul of some plate type compressor valves the engine room rating is asked to clean the valve plates and seat. Some of the valve plates are heavily marked. What action should be taken?
Skim the valve plates in the lathe to remove all of the marks.
Discard the defective valve plates and replace them with new spares.
Dress the valve plates up using a portable grinder.
Use coarse grinding paste to remove the marks from the valve plates as quickly as possible.
Which of the following forms of food poisoning is particularly associated with outbreaks on cruise ships?
Staphylococcal enterotoxin.
What is the purpose of an automatic trip system onboard, and how does this function?
Automatic trip is to avoid tanks being cooled too much, the trip function is often initialised by a float switch or a temperature switch.
Automatic trip is to avoid vacuum to be generated in cargo tanks.
Automatic trip is to avoid over pressurising in cargo tanks and other pressurised vessels, the trip function is often initialised by a float switch.
Automatic trip is to avoid tanks and pressurised vessels becoming overloaded, the trip function is often initialised by a float switch.
Which of the following substance is ozone-depleting?
The IMO Cargo Stowage and Securing Code (CSS) indicates in the 'Rule of Thumb', the total strength of the lashings on each side of a heavy lift; what is the stated value ?
The Maximum Securing load of the lashings must equal five times the weight of the cargo unit
The Maximum Securing load of the lashings must equal the weight of the cargo unit
The Maximum Securing load of the lashings must equal twice the weight of the cargo unit
The Maximum Securing load of the lashings must equal the 50% weight of the cargo unit
With regard to the IMDG Code what do Calcium Oxide (UN No. 1910), Magnetized Material (UN No. 2807), Sodium Aluminate (UN No. 2812) and Battery Powered Equipment (UN No. 3171) have in common?
They are listed as Corrosive Substances - IMDG Class 8
They are not listed in the IMDG Code
Due to their characteristics they may be shipped in open top containers
They are not subject to the provisions of the IMDG Code but may be subject to provisions governing the transport of dangerous goods by other modes
What are the operational requirements for a fast rescue boat?
It shall be transferable on each side of the vessel
There is no requirement for a launching appliance
It shall be served by a launching appliance to launch and retrieve the boat in still conditions
It shall be served by a suitable launching appliance to launch and retrieve the boat even under severe adverse weather conditions
Dunnage is extensively used when general cargo is being loaded; select from the options three main reasons for its use ?
To spread loads, to assist in ventilation and to heighten the centre of gravity of the cargo
To heighten position of stow, to allow ventilation and to provide securing points
To prevent water from entering the cargo hold, to lower Kg of cargo and to assist stevedores
To spread loads, to assist in securing and to allow good ventilation
When should a master agree to load a cargo of concentrates?
When he is fully satisfied that the actual moisture content of the cargo is less than the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML)
After a laboratory analysis of the cargo has been carried out
As soon as the cargo holds have been passed for loading
Once the actual moisture content of the cargo has been declared by the shipper
Which of the following letter combinations represents a temperature controller on a process and instrumentation diagram?
What do you understand by the expression Master Controller
State of the art controller
The best possible control system
The primary controller in a cascade control system
What is the meaning of “remote mode” related to a slave controller?
The slave controller can be tuned by a hand carried remote controller
The slave controller can be in any mode of operation
The slave controller can be tuned from the engine control room
The slave controller receives the set-point from the output signal of the master controller
Which of the following instruments is normally part of a control-loop
A ship has an electrical system rated at 690 Volts. Which voltage level is this?
During a ship to ship cargo transfer operation it is required that:
The main engine be on 1 hour notice.
None of the listed alternatives need be maintained.
An efficient engine room watch with the main engine on standby be maintained.
The main engine be on 1/2 hour notice, and no watch need be maintained in the Engine room.
When will a ‘D’ ring not be an effective lashing point?
When it is covered in grease
When its retaining collar is torn
When should a crane or derrick sheave be replaced?
When wear down in the groove exceeds 20% of the wire rope diameter
When wear down in the groove exceeds 25% of the wire rope circumference
When wear down in the groove exceeds 25% of the wire rope diameter
When wear down in the groove exceeds 20% of the wire rope circumference
Under SOLAS, what are the minimum required air changes per hour for ‘Special Category Spaces’?
"From the list below, which is among the recommended actions for a vessel to take, on entering an area known for pirate activity?"
To transit with maximum safe speed
To transit at night time only
To confine all ship’s personnel to one room onboard
Why do bulk carriers need to carry oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment?
Because this equipment is required under SOLAS 74/88
Because it is required under MARPOL 73/78
Because of IMO regulations regarding Enclosed Space Entry
Because it is required under the International Labour Convention
How might a leak from a cargo tank on an oil tanker be readily detected during the voyage?
By regularly monitoring the vessel's trim on the cargo computer - any cargo that leaks will run to the end of a compartment, resulting in an increase in trim.
By occasionally opening a selected tank and manually measuring the cargo ullage, then comparing it to the 'after loading' reading.
By regularly monitoring void and ballast spaces, such as by testing them for hydrocarbon content and sounding them.
By frequently monitoring cargo level equipment readouts and comparing them to the load port departure readings.
Some of the cargoes carried onboard liquefied gas carriers are classed as saturated hydrocarbons. What are the features of the common saturated hydrocarbon cargoes (e.g. propane and butane) that are carried on these vessels?
As liquids they are colourless, odourless and are chemically non-reactive.
As liquids they are yellowish brown in colour, odourless and are chemically reactive.
As liquids they are yellowish brown in colour, with a sweet odour, and are chemically non-reactive.
As liquids they are colourless, with a sweet odour, and are chemically reactive.
How should lashing belts be stowed on board a RoRo vessel?
According to their Safe Working Load (SWL)
According to their date of manufacture
According to the manufacturer
What do you understand by the term ‘Separated From’, with regard to the stowage of dangerous goods on deck?
Separation by a distance of at least 3m vertically
Separation by a distance of at least 3m horizontally
Separation by a distance of at least 6m horizontally
Separated from the accommodation by at least one cargo space
What is the Centre of Floatation of a General cargo Vessel?
The centroid of the ship's waterplane area
The amidships section at any given waterplane
The centroid of the ship's underwater volume
The centroid of the ship's half waterplane area
What is the disadvantage of using High Tensile Steel (HTS) in ship construction?
Enhanced vibration in HTS areas
Diminished cargo carrying capacity
Why is it important to recognize the language of the passengers?
Enables you to communicate with them during normal operation.
Enables you to inform all passengers about arrival time.
So that you are able to address all their needs.
Enables you to communicate with them during normal operation and in an emergency.
Earlier reefer vessels designed and built for liner trade usually had two or three tween decks approximately 2 to 2.5 metres in height and deep lower holds approximately 4 to 5 metres deep. Modern designs usually incorporate more decks each approximately 2.3 metres in height. What is the main reason for this fundamental design change?
The increased proportion of chilled as opposed to frozen cargoes that are carried.
There is an almost universal use of standard height pallets.
It is easier to construct vessels with shallow decks.
The increased number of container vessels has reduced the tendency to carry general cargo outbound from Europe or North America to Australia and New Zealand on reefer vessels.
Where is a load-equalising device used?
With parallel lashing rods
With upper and lower crossed lashings
Which of the following has the highest fat content?
In describing the characteristics of oil cargoes or oil / water slops, what is a mercaptan?
The component of hydrocarbon-based cargoes which is formed from Merolion Carbonized Tannin.
A device fitted to a cargo pump which automatically alerts the operator once traces of water start to be detected during discharge.
A chemical additive blended with crude oil to inhibit the natural "rotton egg" smell associated with certain grades.
A colourless, odorous gas, with a smell similar to rotting cabbage and which is generated naturally by the degredation of natural organisms, as may be found where water has remained under oil for a long time.
What is one of the main features of the cylinder lubricating oil used in large 2 stroke marine diesel engines which normally operate on heavy fuel oil?
It is a pure mineral oil without any special additives.
It is neutral with a pH value of 7.
A vessel which normally operates with the engine room in UMS mode is unable to do so because of defects to some of the critical alarm functions. What are the main considerations that the Chief Engineer must take into account when planning alternative arrangements to cover the engine room requirements until the defects are cleared?
A work rota is established to ensure at least one person is in the engine room at all times while the defects exist.
A work rota is established to ensure that normal routine maintenance is carried out on time in accordance with the planned maintenance schedule.
A work rota is established to ensure that the necessary repairs can be carried out as soon as possible.
A work rota is established to ensure full coverage of engine room watchkeeping duties and adequate rest periods for the engineering staff.
On a General Cargo ship all wire strops used for cargo work must be marked with what?
The diameter of the strop in millimetres (mm)
The SWL and certificate number
The name of the manufacturer
What kind of damages do steel coils sustain?
Chemical reactions between the steel banding and outer envelope
If you have taken full bunker, what is important to have in mind?
Pump out a small quantity from each tank at the first opportunity , to avoid having an overflow to deck when you put heating to the tank
Avoid putting heating to the tanks
Be sure that all goosenecks are closed to avoid overflow to deck when heating is put to the tank
Monitor the remote gauges all the time
Under normal conditions, the electric power for services supplied from the emergency switchboard is supplied from:
An emergency battery charger.
The main diesel generator or shaft generator.
A compressed air driven generator.
With full load on the main engine, the RPM for the turbocharger is too low. What may cause this?
The lubricating oil pump is malfunctioning
Exhaust temperatures on the main engine are to high
The diffuser ring is damaged
After cleaning any equipment using gas oil/diesel then using compressed air from the ship's service air supply to blow the oily residues from the equipment, should you:
Protect the surrounding area before starting.
Do this process anywhere.
Cover all exposed parts of the body, protect the area, move people and if possible use a compartment with extraction fans:
Ensure other personnel are moved away.
Before you close the main gatevalve at the ships bunkering manifold, you should notify:
The deck officer on duty at the receiving vessel
The bunkeroil company representative
Your engineer at the valve manifold in the engineroom at the receiving vessel
The officer in charge at the barge or the foreman in charge if it is at a shore facility