Тест состоит из случайных вопросов по выбранной теме.
Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft corresponds to present SOLAS regulations? Each survival craft shall *be stowed:
On the starboard side of the ship
In a state of readiness so that two crew-members can prepare for embarkation and launching in less than 15 minutes
In a secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire or explosion
Wherever space is available
Fire protected lifeboats when waterborne should be capable of protecting its full complement when subjected to a continuous oil fire that envelops the boat for a period of not less than how many minutes?
How do the extinguishing agents act?
by cooling, smothering, unfeeding (combustible suppression), inhibition
by cooling, smothering, dilution with water and/or ventilation
In a smoke filled alleyway were will the cleanest air be found, and how should you proceed out?
Towards the upper part, stand as tall as possible and walk out.
It will be the same in all parts, therefore I would just leave as quickly as possible.
Near to the deck, crawl out keeping your face as near to the deck as possible.
Sit and wait for the rescue party.
Which deck is the "bulkhead deck"?
A deck between two transverse bulkheads
A deck which transverse bulkheads go through
The uppermost deck to which transverse bulkheads are carried
The deck on which the transverse bulkheads are resting
*Which of the following actions will be the most effective means for preventing fire in a cabin?
Provide clear warning that persons must not smoke in bed
Request people to refrain from smoking
Install fire detecting devices
Where is the International Shorecoupling to be stored?
Together with the cargohoses
Easy accessible by the gangway
The discharge arrangements for halogenated hydrocarbon total flooding systems shall be so designed that the minimum quantity of medium can be discharged in (based on the discharge of the liquid phase):
Where several rescue units are engaged in a search and rescue operation, one of will be designated as the On-Scene Commander (OSC). Which of the following descibes how this appointment will be made?
The role of OSC can only be taken by a naval ship with suitable command and control capability. In many regions, such vessels are permanently assigned on stand-by to assume such a role.
The first rescue unit to arrive at the scene will normally assume the role of OSC, until the unit appointed as OSC by the RCC is in a poisition to assume the role.
The OSC will initially be a controlling aircraft. Once a suitable vessel is on scene, the responsibility will be passed to them.
The OSC will always be designated by the appropriate Rescue Coordination Centre. No other vessel may assume the role at any time.
Why is line blowing/pigging from shore a very critical operation ?
Because the cargo hose/loading arm may burst.
Because the pig may be able to get on board.
Because serious structural damage and overflow can be caused by the creation of pressure in the shore tanks during this operations.
Because serious structural damage and overflow can be caused by the creation of pressure in the tanks during this operations.
What should be applicable to tank cleaning operations by means of circulation products with low flash products (below 60° C) ?
It can be done without problems.
It can be done on stainless steel tanks only and if the tank cleaning hoses are grounded.
It can be done if the tankcleaning hoses are grounded.
It should be avoided, unless the tank atmosphere is inerted.
When using a buoy as an aid to navigation, which of the following should always be considered?
That if the light is showing its correct characteristic it is in its right position
The buoy may not be in its charted position
If no radio navigation warnings have been issued concerning the buoy it can be assumed to be in its correct position
The buoy is nearly always well anchored and can be considered to be in its charted position providing there has not been any recent storms in the area
What is correct UTC in this example? Approx. Pos: N49°51' W35°23', zone +2, Local Time 0900.
What is the vessel that has the local command in a rescue operation called?
Commander of Rescue Operation
Your vessel is at anchor. It is dense fog and visibility about 2 cables. On your radar screen you can see a vessel approaching the anchorage and the vessel is heading at your position. What will you do?
Wait and see how the situation is developing.
Try to get in touch by using the VHF.
Sound three blasts in succession, namely one short, one prolonged and one short blast.
Can voyage planning be executed on ECDIS?
Only if approved by the owner
Only if approved by the Flag State
The OOW is expected to double-check the whole voyage plan?
Sea area A4 is in maritime radio traffic a sea area:
with the exception of sea areas A1,A2 and A3, within the range of Inmarsat-satellites, where continuous alarm is available
within VHF-radiotelephony-range of a coast station or coastguard station, where continuous DSC-alarm is available
outside the sea areas A1, A2 and A3
An inflatable liferaft accommodating 6 persons is fitted with:
2 entrances each being fitted with a boarding ladder
1entrance fitted with a boarding ladder
2 entrances among which one is fitted with a semi-rigid boarding ramp
1entrance fitted with a semi-rigid boarding ramp
*Thermal protective aids are provided in any liferaft as follows:
either 100% of the number of persons the liferaft is permitted to accommodate
the thermal protective aids are embarked and distributed by the person in charge of the liferaft.
either 10% of the number of persons the liferaft is permitted to accommodate or 2 whichever is the greater
either 50% of the number of persons the liferaft is permitted to accommodate or 6 whichever is the greater
*On all ships any crew member must be given an on-board training in the use of the ship's life-saving appliances as soon as possible after his joining
not later than 1 month after his first joining if he is regularly assigned to the ship
not later than 2 weeks after his first joining if he is regularly assigned to the ship
*At least, how often shall life boats be launched with their assigned operating crew aboard and manoeuvred in the water?
The Training Manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving appliances and the best method of survival. The training manual shall contain detailed explanations of crew duties in relation to emergency situations. Which of the following tasks or duties shall be included in the manual according to present regulations?
The method and use of sea-anchors (drogues).
The use of oars and other propulsion equipment for survival crafts.
The use of on-board communication equipment.
Correct donning of fire protective clothing.
If making a new pilot ladder onboard, which of the following ropes would you use in its construction as side ropes on which the steps are fastened?
What kind of permits have to be obtained before starting hot work in tanks?
Hot work permit + Permit for entry.
When will a hatch cover cross-joint wedge need replacement?
When the flat spring is bent
When the flat spring is missing
When the flat spring is rusty
What can be done to help pump out water from the cargo space of a bulk carrier, when washing down during cleaning operations?
Chief Officer to ballast ship to provide large stern trim
Vessel to be ballasted to even keel condition
Wash water to be kept to a minimum
If a vessel is rolling heavily in a seaway and has negative GM and a small Angle of Loll, describe how the vessel will roll.
Roll unevenly flopping over between the Angle of Loll on each side.
Roll evenly either side of the upright position.
Roll evenly each side of the Angle of Loll.
Roll between the Angle of Loll on each side.
What does this signal hoist mean?
I require immediate assistance.
Do you require assistance?
I require medical assistance.
What facility exists under the ISM Code for individual control measures of specific work-related tasks?
The definition of supervisory responsibilites.
The Permit to Work system.
The documentation of individual job
What is the necessary protection when you are rust chipping with air tools?
Gloggles and ear protectors
Protective clothing, safety shoes, earmuffs
Gloves, goggles, earmuffs
Protective clothing, safety shoes, gloves, goggles, earmuffs.
Who is responsible for the development of the Ship Security Plan?
The Port Facility Security Officer
The Classification Society.
The Company Security Officer
The Ship Security Officer
With respect to earthing (grounding) of signal cables. Which of the 4 alternatives is correct for a cable for analogue signals?
Which one of the statements given in the options is correct in relation to the maintenance and adjustment of 4-stroke, medium speed diesel engines?
The piston ring groove clearances for the oil control ring are unimportant as this ring does not form part of the gas seal.
Liner wear of up to 3% of the bore size is generally acceptable for continued service.
Both the top and bottom shells of a bottom end bearing should be inspected as they can wear due to load reversal during the engine operating cycle.
Timing of inlet and exhaust valves can be correctly set by varying the tappet clearance.
On the diagram provided, there are four (4) possible directions indicating the term "AHEAD". Which one is the correct?
Ahead is given by A on the figure
Ahead is given by D on the figure
Ahead is given by B on the figure
Ahead is given by C on the figure
Which of the following is the definition of "Segregated Ballast Tanks", as found on oil tankers?
Cargo tanks which each have their own individual pumps, are fitted with independent piping systems and are served by unconnected ventilation arrangements
Tanks which are completely separate from cargo or fuel oil systems, being permanently allocated to the carriage of ballast and fitted with their own pumps and associated piping
Cargo tanks which may be used for ballast, where the lines are not connected to the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment
Cargo tanks which may be used for the carriage of ballast
Which of the following is a requirement on an oil tanker before entering any enclosded area containing inert gas generating equipment?
The oxygen level should be checked with an explosimeter
The atmosphere should be gas free and contain 20.9% oxygen
The atmosphere should contain at least 5% oxygen
The atmosphere should contain not more than 5% by volume of explosive and poisonous gases
What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye?
Wring the eye-lid to prevent blinking
Rinsing of the eye with water
You are proceeding up a river, with berths on both banks. You see this flag hoist on a vessel moored on a berth ahead. What does it mean?
Caution! I have an anchor down.
You should proceed at slow speed when passing me.
I am about to depart the berth.
The chemical abbreviation "H2S" is often associated with Crude Oil cargoes. What does the abbreviation stand for?
Hydrogen Separation - 2nd distillation stage.
What is the most likely cause of the clean oil outlet pressure being higher than normal when operating a centrifuge as a fuel oil separator?
Valve in the outlet line incorrectly positioned.
High fuel oil temperature.
What do the letters "TPC" stand for?
Tonnes per Centimetre Immersion.
A death of one of the ship’s crew occurs on board whilst the vessel is at sea, what actions must you legally take?
Confirm death. Have body moved to a freezer compartment. Contact local agent and British Consul as appropriate. Complete Births and Deaths section of Official log book. Sign seaman off in his absence. Make an entry in the deck log book detailing actions
Confirm death. Notify next-of-kin. Make an entry in the narrative section of the Official log book, sign seaman off in his absence Notify agent and British Consul when abroad. Have belongings collected and packed by two crew members, and making three copi
Confirm death. Contact local agent and arrange to have body medi-vacced from vessel. Notify company. Complete births and deaths section of official log book. Arrange for relief at next port . Sign seaman off in his absence.
First aspect confirm death. Notify company, and make arrangements for notification of next-of-kin. Arrange to have body moved to freezer area. Notify local agents and British Consul when abroad. Complete Births and Deaths section of Official Log book. Ma
On some large slow speed engines the crosshead guides are adjustable to allow the clearance between the crosshead shoes and the guides to be set equally. The normal arrangement is to have bolted on guide bars with shims fitted behind them. Which of the methods given in the options is the one normally used to ensure this is done correctly?
Fit an equal number of shims behind each guide bar which should result in equal clearances between the guide bars and shoes along the whole length.
Turn the engine so that the piston for the cylinder concerned is at TDC and measure the clearance along the length of each bar and shoe and fit shims to equalise the clearances.
Turn the engine so that the piston for the cylinder concerned is at BDC and measure the clearance along the length of each bar and shoe and fit shims to equalise the clearances.
Turn the engine so that the piston skirt is at the bottom of the liner. Use wedges to centralise the piston and measure the clearances along the length of each bar and fit shims to equalise the clearances.
What is weblash equipment used for?
Securing cargoes with high centres of gravity
Securing project cargoes and cargoes on bolsters
Securing the jibs of mobile cranes
What hazard is associated with carrying ammonium nitrate?
It has several subsidiary risks
It is liable to spontaneous combustion
A CBT-tanker arrives at the loading port in ballast condition. What is today’s normal procedure for this type of vessel when loading?
Deballasting and loading simultaneously.
Pump out all the ballast before commencing loading.
Load a part of the cargo, de-ballast and resume loading.
What is the main fixed fire-fighting system on a car deck?
Your vessel has a controllable pitch propeller. The engine can be started when the propeller pitch is:
The deaerating heater is used on
Only low-pressure boilers
The closed-type feed-water system
The open-type feed-water system
A bilge strainer is blocking up during bilge pumping operations which is causing delays as the pump frequently loses suction and has to be primed. What action should be taken to remedy the situation?
Remove the strainer plate and drill larger holes in it and replace it in the housing to avoid blockages.
Clean the strainer more frequently and clean out the bilge well at the first opportunity.
Remove the strainer plate from the housing to avoid blockage and loss of suction.
Use a portable pump to avoid blockage of the strainer.
To which of the following ratios are transverse accelerations related?
Ship’s breadth divided by LCB
Ship’s breadth divided by the maximum righting lever
Ship’s breadth divided by GM
Ship’s breadth divided by the distance between cargo units and the ship's centreline
What is important to prepare prior to a helicopter operation?
To stop the vessel completely
To increase the speed of the vessel
To light up the area for pick-up
Make sure all loose deck equipment at helicopter deck is stowed away and secured.
For types "A" and "B" cargo tanks, what is the requirement with regard to shut-off valves for liquid and vapour connections where cargo tanks have a MARVS less than 0.7 barg?
Double butterfly valves fitted in series.
One manually operated globe valve and one remotely operated valve.
In RoRo Cargo Planning What should be considered for the location of stowage of a heavy loads such as transformer, locomotive or work boats?
The discharge port rotation
Requests from the stevedore
The stability of the vessel, access to the location and the SWL of the stowage location
If a recipe requires that a dish be "poached", what does this mean?
Wrapped in foil and baked.
Cooked gently in a simmering liquid.
Turned frequently under a grill oven.
Following overhaul of the cylinder units of a 4-stroke diesel engine and a suitable running in period it is noted that the lubricating oil consumption of the engine has increased considerably and unexpectedly. The engine is otherwise running normally. Select, from the options given, the most likely cause of this problem.
A piston crown has burnt through
The oil control ring has been fitted incorrectly.
The piston rings have worn rapidly.
The cylinder liner has worn rapidly.
A ship is navigating in the Caribbean in August when it receives the warning of a Hurricane. To determine the centre of the storm the Master uses "Buys Ballot's Law" and faces the wind. On what side of the Master would the low pressure area be located?
This is not a suitable method to use with a Hurricane.
Which of these actions should crew take if a suspicious object that may be a bomb is located during a search?
Cover the suspicious object with a box or blanket.
Place the object in a desk drawer or file cabinet.
Throw the object overboard.
Confirm with their search partner that the object found is suspicious.
What is the purpose of adding inhibitor to the individual cargo?
To avoid humidity in cargo tanks.
To avoid radicals building up in cargo tanks.
To assure all oxygen is removed from cargo tank and avoid chemical reaction.
To avoid explosive (flammable) area in cargo tanks.
If a fuel oil cargo is treated with an anti-static additive, how does this affect its conductivity characteristics?
It becomes an accumulator of static charge.
It becomes mildly magnetic for a time.
Its relaxation time after loading is extended.
It becomes a non-accumulator of static charge.
By what means can we monitor and control the integrity of the hull?
Documented operating procedures
The chief officer is responsible for monitoring the integrity of the hull and superstructure at all times
Let experienced personnel close and secure doors and ramps
Automatic detection systems, television surveillance and patrolling of ro-ro cargo spaces
Due to the very low carriage temperatures for LNG the thermal conductivity, k value, is an important property of the insulation material used in cargo containment systems. For a given rate of heat leakage across the insulation, which of the following statements is true?
The higher the k value the thicker the insulation needs to be.
The rate of heat leakage is unaffected by the thickness of the insulation.
The k value depends on the thickness of the insulation material.
The higher the k value the thinner the insulation needs to be.
According to guidance provided by the OCIMF, what is the requirement for bolting/securing blind flanges on the manifolds during cargo operations on an oil tanker?
A bolt to be in every alternate bolt hole, tightened evenly
A minimum of 4 bolts, spaced evenly around the flange
Bolts or clamps to be fitted such that the flange is adequately sealed
A bolt to be in every bolt hole, tightened evenly
Provided it is considered safe to do so what is the best method of cleaning a cargo hold that contained grain?
Sweep the cargo holds after discharge
Hose down the cargo holds after discharge
Sweep and clean cargo holds from the top down as discharge progresses
Sweep and clean cargo holds from the top down as discharge progresses followed by a final wash
On a flue gas plant, the flue gas enters a washing tower where the gas is washed to remove soot, ashes and to separate undesired gases. What is the name of this «washing tower»?
The International Maritime Bureau Piracy Reporting Centre attributes the increased numbers of hijackings to:
Higher crime rates around the world.
The greater involvement in piracy of well-organized and armed crime networks.
Easy access to military weapons.
On fully pressurised liquefied gas carriers the cargoes are usually carried at atmospheric temperatures. Is frostbite still a hazard on such vessels if there is leakage from the cargo pipe system?
Yes, but only if cargo vapour contacts the skin.
No frostbite is only a hazard when cargoes are refrigerated.
No, the cargo will vapourise and disperse quickly.
Yes, the liquid will flash off to its' fully refrigerated tempearature.
Which of the following points would be the specific point about which a vessel will roll in a seaway?
The Centre of Buoyancy B.
The Centre of Flotation CF.
On a Container vessel, what precautions should be taken when cashew nut shell liquid has spilled out of a container?
Avoid skin contact and inhalation of toxic fumes
Cool the container from as far away as possible
Approach the container wearing a chemical protection suit
Clean up the spillage wearing rubber boots and safety gloves
What is the correct sequence of washing a cargo hold?
Saltwater wash, freshwater rinse, dry, sweep
Freshwater wash, saltwater rinse, dry, sweep
Sweep, freshwater wash, saltwater rinse, dry
Sweep, saltwater wash, freshwater rinse, dry
What is the SOLAS definition of deadweight?
Deadweight is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship in water of specific gravity 1.025 and the load waterline corresponding to the assigned winter freeboard and the lightweight of the ship
Deadweight is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship in water of specific gravity 1.000 and the load waterline corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard and the lightweight of the ship
Deadweight is the difference, in tonnes, between the displacement of a ship in water of specific gravity 1.025 and the load waterline corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard and the lightweight of the ship
Deadweight is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship at its light and sea-going freeboards
A cargo of hard frozen, whole tuna is being loaded on a conventional reefer vessel. Select the best method of loading the cargo from the options given.
Reefer vessels form part of the 'cold chain' in the transport of perishable goods from the producer to the consumer. There are times when hatches have to remain open in less than perfect conditions, for example strong winds. There are steps that can be taken however to mitigate the effects of this on cargo that has already been loaded. Which of the options given could be considered to be the most important measure to counter the effect of such conditions?
Run the cargo fans continuously during cargo operations.
Refrain from ventilating the cargo with fresh air.
Reduce the air delivery temperature.
Cover the stow with a Tenasco (heavy plastic) sheet where possible to protect it from the wind.
The internal e.m.f. generated in the phase windings of a lightly loaded a.c. generator is controlled by:
The prime mover speed and excitation current.
The internal volt drop and the load current.
The internal volt drop and the residual magnetism.
The prime mover and load current.
What does this flag mean?
My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water.
I wish to communicate with you.
I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.
You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. This vessel is sighted wide on the port bow. It's bearing is opening, but its distance is closing rapidly. Which of the following is a correct assessment of the situation and the action to be taken?
Risk of collision is deemed not to to exist. However, to be sure of a safe passing distance, I will reduce my speed to allow the other vessel to pass ahead.
Risk of collision is deemed not to exist and I will maintain my course and speed. I will continue to monitor the situation.
Risk of collision is deemed to exist and I will make a broad alteration of course to starboard, sounding one short blast. I will re-assess the situation when the alteration is carried out.
Risk of collision is a possibility. I will maintain my course and speed for now, but be prepared for an alteration of course to port if the CPA seems to be less than 0.2nm as we draw closer.
Why should ro-ro passenger ships be subdivided into main vertical zones?
To comply with passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training defined in the STCW convention
To comply with specific provisions for fire integrity defined by the Classification Society
To comply with specific provisions for fire integrity defined in SOLAS and to ensure safety of passengers and crew in case of a fire
To comply with company specific standards defined in the Safety Management System
During cargo or bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be:
Used elsewhere in the ship
The circuit shows a full-wave bridge rectifier. Which electronic component will you connect between 'a' and 'b' in order to obtain reduced ripple voltage to the load RL.
What name is given to the pickled, fermented vegetable condiment that accompanies almost every Korean dish?
A refrigeration plant is short cycling even though there is plenty of refrigerant in the system and all of the rooms are above temperature. From the options give select the one which is the most likely cause of the problem?
Low oil level in the sump causing the automatic low oil pressure cut out to operate.
Blocked filter drier causing the automatic low pressure cut out to operate.
Insufficient cooling water flow through the condenser causing the automatic high pressure cut out to operate.
Ice formation in the meat room evaporator coil causing the automatic low pressure cut out to operate.
Two reference points for pressure exist, absolute zero and atmospheric pressure. What do you call pressures measured relative to atmospheric pressure?
What is the most frequent used insulation on cargo tanks?
When operating a steam boiler burner unit what is the best method for evaluating that the correct amount of excess air is being supplied to the furnace?
The colour of the flame in the furnace.
The reading from the flue gas oxygen analyser
The length of the flame in the furnace.
The colour of the exhaust leaving the uptake.
Why must inert gas from a combustion-type generator never be used when preparing cargo tanks for ammonia?
Because of the high oxygen content in inert gas.
Because ammonia reacts with the carbon dioxide in inert gas.
Because of the high water content in inert gas.
Because of the high temperature in inert gas.
This circuit consists of a current source I, a change-over switch S, a resistor R and a capacitor C. The current/time figures 1 to 4 show possible changes in the current I in case the switch S is suddenly shifted from position 1 to 2 at time t= 0. Only one of the diagrams is correct. Which?
What type of buoy is this?
In the international code of signals what does this flag mean?
You should stop your vessel and watch for my signals
You are running into danger
I am manoeuvring with difficulty - Keep clear of me
I am in distress and require immediate assistance
What is the purpose of watertight doors?
They will be closed during a fire to prevent the smoke and fire to spread to other parts of the ship.
They will be closed from the bridge or locally in case of damage on the ships hull, and taking in water.
They will be closed if the ship get a damage on the ships hull, and taking in water. It will prevent the water to fill the whole deck. In case of fire they can also be used to stop the fire and smoke from diverge.
They are doors in engine area which will be closed during navigation in shallow waters.