Тест состоит из случайных вопросов по выбранной теме.
How should the painter of a liferaft which is fitted with a hydrostatic release, be secured to the ship?
Secured via a weak link to a secure part of a ship
Secured to the part of the hydrostatic release that is designed to break free
It should not be secured in any way
Directly to a secured point on the ship
What is a polar (liquid)?
A liquid that mixes with water
A liquid that conducts electricity
A liquid that emits flammable vapour
A liquid that doesn't mix with water
*In addition to cargo and machinery spaces, which other space, if any, has to be fitted with an approved fixed fire-extinguishing system on a cargo ship where method of protection "I C" has been adopted ?
Emergency batteries store room
No fixed extinguishing systems are generally required for any other spaces protected according to this method
You are on night time duty as navigating officer on a ship under way, when a fire in the crew's accommodation is reported. What is the first action you would take?
Sound the fire alarm signal
Send the seaman on watch down to inspect and report the situation
Run to the scene as fast as possible and start fighting the fire by all available means
The greatest limitation of the fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems is a danger of
Stability reduction on ships with several decks
Stability reduction on ships with single deck
A standard self-contained breathing apparatus is capable of functioning for at least
*You are the officer of the watch at the bridge of a cargo ship. In the middle of the night, an alarm sounds on the control panel of the fire detection system. It indicates that a detector is activated in the crew's accommodation. What is the first action you would take?
Acquit the alarm and wait till it sounds again before taking any other action
Run to the scene as fast as possible and start fighting the fire by all available means
Sound the fire alarm signal and send the seaman on watch down to inspect and report the situation
You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled room, wearing a breathing apparatus. How would you conduct this search?
Proceed straight ahead to the far bulkhead and then carry out a left or right hand search as appropriate
As soon as you enter carry out a right or left hand search by placing the appropriate hand onto the bulkhead and then follow the bulkhead round as quickly as possible.
Proceed to the approximate centre of the room and then carry out the search on a circular pattern.
Carry out a right or left hand search and proceed carefully, feeling the area in front with the foot and using the back of the free hand to check the area around.
In the radio telex-traffic the landline-connection with a subscriber ashore will be broken with the following command:
You wish to send a message via an Inmarsat-C installation to an Inmarsat-A telex installation. The message is composed in ‘ASCII’. The message can be sent:
The “clarifier” has only effect during:
A Category "B" Chemical Cargo which has a melting point of more than 15° C. can be carried:
In tanks where the heating coils have been removed and supply and return steam pipes blanked off?
In tanks not adjacent to the ship-s shell plating having heating coils?
In tanks adjacent to the ship-s shell plating having heating coils?
In any tank onboard the vessel?
If a nylon mooring rope gets wet by immersion in water it undergoes:
No change in strength or length.
A decrease in strength of 20 %.
No change in strength but some elongation.
An increase in strength of 20 %.
Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" as being assigned to crewmembers in relation to passengers ?
clearing the escape routes
ensuring that every passenger is provided with an immersion suit or a thermal protective aid
ensuring that extra food and water is taken to the survival craft
What signal, if any, is specified in SOLAS as the "Abandon ship" signal?
Six short blasts followed by one long blast
The "Abandon ship" signal is not specified, only the general emergency alarm signal is stated
Seven short blasts followed by one long blast
What is the minimum number of immersion suits that are required to be provided for each open lifeboat under SOLAS rules?
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every rescue boat ?
watertight receptacles containing water for each person
a painter attached to the release device and placed at the forward end of the boat
one set of fishing tackle
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
How much water per person is provided in a liferaft not equipped with a desalting apparatus?
How much food per person is supplied on a liferaft?
None - only barley sugar sweets supplied
*What is the meaning of this symbol ?
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Indicates manual starting direction of the engine
Welding and burning are two operations which give the highest risk of a fire on board ship. Which of the following safety precautions may be regarded as the most important in order to minimise this particular risk?
Electric welding plants should be controlled by a responsible engineer before use.
Only use electrodes from a well known manufacturer.
Only holders of a welding certificate should be allowed to carry out welding or burning on board ships.
The area where the welding is to take place and adjacent spaces to be cleaned and all unnecessary materials and objects to be removed.
The "inner bottom" is the :
Compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel
Inner side of the vessel-s shell
Space between two transverse bottom frames
Part of the outer surface of a refrigeration compressor crankcase and the refrigerant return line near the compressor ice up heavily during normal operation. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this problem?
The oil separator is not functioning correctly and is allowing lubricating oil to pass into the system.
The seawater flow control valve for the condenser is faulty allowing insufficient cooling water flow.
The superheat control setting for the thermostatic expansion valve is set too low.
The filter drier unit in the liquid line is partly blocked.
How often should normal testing of the cooling water be done?
What is characteristic of titanium, magnesium and lithium catching fire?
There is always risk of explosion
These fires are self-extinguishing
These fires can only be extinguished using water
Due to chemical reactions these cargoes will continue to burn
On a Container vessel, what is the function of double stacking cones?
To link adjacent container stacks together particularly those in line with buttresses
To link out-of-gauge container stacks together
To lock containers horizontally
To lock adjacent container stacks together
A viscosity controller for the main diesel engine fuel oil supply is giving poor control resulting in the viscosity of the fuel oil being too low at the engine. Which of the defects given in the options is likely to be the cause of this problem?
The bellows in the DP cell is ruptured giving no differential pressure signal.
Capillary tube in the viscometer is blocked giving high differential pressure at the DP cell.
The air supply pressure to the controller for controlling the steam valve for steam to the fuel heater is too low.
The drive for the internal sample pump for the viscometer has sheared.
Every person onboard ship has a responsibility for safety and security. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important onboard a tanker?
Never carry lighters or matches on the tank deck.
Always wear safety shoes on deck..
Always use the handrails when going up or down ladders.
Always use gloves when operating portable grinders and chipping machines.
To control bleeding, a tourniquet should be applied:
Only when all other means have failed
Whenever it is possible to stop bleeding
Only on Radio medical advice
Whenever you have to transport the casualty
Commonly available on board an oil tanker, what is the industry standard Guide that describes best safety practise for tanker and terminal operations?
Why is it necessary to check for cold spots in the hold spaces of an LNG carrier during loaded voyages?
To check the efficiency of the insulation between the cargo tank and the hull.
LNG cargo containment systems frequently leak.
Because there is not normally any temperature monitoring of the hold space.
To check for signs of leakage since the very cold carriage temperatures for LNG could result in hull structural damage in the unlikely event of a leak.
What charateristics of Seed Cake group B (IMDG Class 4.2) cargo should be considered when carrying in bulk?
The only concern is that the cargo may self-heat slowly.
The only concern is the cargo may be liable to oxidise, causing subsequent reduction of oxygen in the cargo spaces
The only concern is that the cargo may be liable to spontaneous combustion.
Cargo may self-heat slowly; may spontaneously ignite; liable to oxidise; may produce carbon dioxide
In a PID controller it is possibile to change the setting of the Proportional band (P), the Reset time (I) and the Rate time (D). Please indicate which curve shows the typical response to a step input, if the variables are well adjusted.
How should caterpillar crawlers stowed on hatch covers be secured?
By means of wire ropes secured to the hatch covers from all four sides of the unit
By means of wire ropes secured to the main deck from all four sides of the unit
By means of wire ropes secured to the hatch coamings
By means of wire ropes secured to the hatch covers and to the main deck from all four sides of the unit
What would be the most probable cause of light, smoky exhaust from a diesel engine?
The engine is overloaded.
Air in the fuel oil system.
Fouling of the charge air cooler.
Water carry over from charge air cooler to engine cylinders.
What must be ensured immediately after lowering and securing the stern ramp on a RoRo vessel?
Control levers should be locked in the ‘neutral' position
Power supplies for ramp operations should be turned off
Pilot indicator lights on the bridge should be working
Control levers should be in the ‘neutral' position
What must be ensured at the commencement of cargo operations, on a general cargo vessel?
That all fire dampers serving the cargo holds, are closed
That all fire dampers serving the cargo holds, are open
That the carbon dioxide gas lines to each cargo hold contain a small amount of moisture
That the carbon dioxide gas lines to each cargo hold are clear
Cargo holds on a bulk carrier are washed after discharge, but cargo residues are often found on the tank top when hatches are opened at the load port. What could be the likely cause?
Holds were not inspected thoroughly after cleaning
Due to failure of the bilge eductors
Because of cargo residues falling down due to ship's vibrations during the ballast passage
Because of poor drainage into the bilges
How many fast rescue boats are required to be carried by a passenger ship of 500 GRT and above?
One fast rescue boat on each side of the vessel
One fast rescue boat and one rescue boat on each side of the vessel
Fast rescue boat to accommodate 50 % of the passenger on each side
At least one of the rescue boats shall be a fast rescue boat
What are “contractual clauses”?
Terms and conditions of work employment with the ship owner
Details of amount of time allowed for shore leave
Terms relating to the amount of food and water allowed per person on board
Part ALC 1d of the crew agreement, giving details of specific terms and conditions for seafarers
What type of heat exchanger is shown?
What is the minimum value of the GM under the international Load Line Rules?
A ro-ro unit weighing 2mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft direction and lashed by belts of SWL 0.6mt. How many lashing belts should be used to secure the unit?
On a container vessel, when would a bulk liquid cargo carried in a flexitank container be considered dangerous?
When the associated material safety data sheet shows a constituent(s) listed in the IMDG Code
When declared as a non-hazardous chemical
When the shipper instructs that the container be carried on-deck only
When declared as bulk liquid foodstuff
In discussing segregation, the IMDG Code defines what it means by the term "separated from". Which of the following is that definition?
Either in a vertical or horizontal separation: if the intervening decks are not resistant to fire and liquid, then only in a longitudinal separation is acceptable. For "on deck" stowage, this means a distance of at least 12 metres. This distance also applies to one package stowed "on deck" and another in an upper compartment.
With an intervening compartment, being both a vertical and horizontal separation. Provided an intervening deck is resistant to liquid and fire, a vertical separation of 6 metres is acceptable. For "on deck" stowage, this segregation means a distance of at least 12 metres irrespective of compartment divisions.
Effectively segregated so that the incompatible goods cannot interact dangerously in the event of an accident, but may be transported in the same compartment or hold or on deck, provided a horizontal separation, projected vertically, of 3 metres is obtained.
In different compartments or holds when stowed "under deck". Provided an intervening deck is resistent to fire and liquid, a vertical separation may be accepted as equivalent. For "on deck" stowage, this segregation means a distance of at least 6 metres.
A hydraulically operated exhaust valve on a large slow speed diesel engine has been overhauled as part of the scheduled maintenance for the engine. During a test run of the engine the valve is found to be slamming shut. Which of the adjustments given in the options should be carried out to correct this condition?
The lift pressure for the relief valve in the hydraulic system should be reduced.
The lift pressure for the relief valve in the hydraulic system should be increased.
The throttle valve on the hydraulic system should be opened more.
The throttle valve on the hydraulic system should be closed in.
Searches are often triggered by:
News stories of stowaways.
The receipt of a shipment of damaged stores.
An increase in security level by the Flag State.
In a crisis, which crew behaviours are most reassuring to passengers?
keeping up with safety knowledge
enthusiasm, confidence, hospitality
enthusiasm, confidence, decisiveness
Why is it important that a transmitter has been correctly installed at the correct place
Can be installed anywhere in the piping system
It must be easy to observe for troubleshooting
It is important to have easy access to the transmitter for maintenance
The control system is depending on the best possible process signal
Are membrane tanks self supporting as the independent tanks?
Membrane tanks are self-supporting only when they are loaded
Only the inner membrane is self-supporting
Membrane tanks are not self-supporting
Membrane tanks are self-supporting as the independent tanks
Representative of the port authorities should always receive the best possible treatment:
For ship's clearance to take place quickly and without complications
Because the ship's trading certificate are not normally in order
Because you always have some faults in arrival/departure documents
Because you have undeclared dutiable items in excess of permitted on board
What would be the most probable cause of the exhaust gas temperature from one cylinder of a diesel engine being lower than normal?
The opening pressure for the injection valve for the cylinder is set too high.
There is air in the fuel oil system.
The intake filter for turbo charger is partly fouled.
The camshaft chain is too slack.
What is the difference between an independent tank type A and independent tank type C
Independent tank type C is spherical tank
Independent tank type A is prismatic tank
There is no different on the two types
Independent tank type A need secondary barrier
How is a steel locking coil lashed?
By metal banding passing over it and through each of the cores of the two coils on which it rests
By metal banding passing over its top in a figure-of-eight and through each of the cores of the two coils on which it rests
By metal banding passing over it across the entire hold
By metal banding passing through its core and through each of the cores of the two coils on which it rests
By what means can we monitor and control the integrity of the hull?
Let experienced personnel close and secure doors and ramps
Automatic detection systems, television surveillance and patrolling
Documented operating procedures
The chief officer is responsible for monitoring the integrity of the hull and superstructure at all times
Where should the vehicle belonging to a disabled person be placed?
Preferably near an elevator or a place where you have easy access to the stairways
In the after part of the car deck
As close to the bow door as possible to avoid any traffic jam during discharging
Where is the normal position of the "Pivot Point" of the vessel when going ahead?
1/4 of vessel's length from the stern
1/3 of the vessel's length from the bow.
Normally varies dependant on the speed ahead
You have just completed your tank cleaning programme for a set of tanks that previously contained Toluene. What will the main hazard be when you enter the tanks for mopping and inspection?
The lower part of the tank may still be wet and slippery. You may not be able to see this from the deck.
The atmosphere inside may contain insufficient oxygen to support life, or toxic vapours, or both.
There will commonly be insufficient natural light to safely descend the access ladder.
That there may hydrocarbons present on the bulkheads.
You are assigned to accompany a cargo surveyor during tank inspection. A wall-wash is to take place in tank 3 centre. As the surveyor is preparing his equipment for this, you observe that a drop of sweat falls onto the funnel. What will you do?
Draw the surveyor's attention to it. Take note that he thoroughly cleans the funnel with the wall-wash solvent before collecting the laboratory sample. Report the matter to the Duty officer.
Ask the surveyor to wait in the tank alone while you take the funnel up to the accommodation and rinse it in clean, fresh water.
Immediately instruct the surveyor to leave the tank and collect a substitute set of equipment.
Nothing. The odd drop of sweat will not usually make any difference.
Why is it important to have an efficient fire patrol system on board passenger ships?
To ensure that an outbreak of fire may be prompltly detected
To control that passengers adhere to smoking regulations on board
To verify that the automatic fire-detection system is working properly
To show passengers in public areas we are on duty 24 hrs
What gives the condenser pressure in a 1 stage direct cooling plant?
One, two and three stage piston compressors.
One, two and three stage screw compressors.
Piston, screw and centrifugal type compressors.
Oil free screw and centrifugal type compressors.
How many crews are required to be trained and regularly drilled in all aspects of fast rescue boats in various conditions, including righting after capsizing?
To correctly interpret the readings on the printout from a reefer vessel’s cargo data logger it is essential to have some knowledge of the location of the temperature sensors. Where would the temperature sensor for the delivery air to a cargo hold be expected to be located?
Just above the cooling coils where the air returns from the cargo space.
In the air flow path from the cooling coils, about 3 metres from the coils.
In the air flow path from the cooling coils, but at the opposite end of the cargo space to the coils.
Near the centre of the cargo space.
Oil analysis results show a high level of tin. What could be the cause of this?
Too high lub.oil temperature.
What is the name of this unit?
An antistatic release unit
A hydrostatic release unit
During tank washing operations on an oil tanker, it is a requirement that the atmosphere within the tank is maintained with an oxygen content of not more than 8% by volume, but which of the following conditions is also a requirement?
That a positive pressure is maintained
That the atmosphere within the tank is maintained at atmospheric pressure, ie open to atmosphere
That a minimum of 2.4 bar inert gas inlet pressure is maintained
That a negative pressure is maintained
A vessel’s midship draught is 8.50m. What is the corrected midship draught if the vessel is on an even keel? Midship marks are painted 0.05m forward of midships; LBP is 162m.
What is the punishment for a master or any other person in authority on board a ship if he or she treats a person carried on the ship in an improper manner or fails to prevent his being so treated by other persons onboard?
Shall bi liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 9 months.
Shall bi liable to fines.
Shall bi liable to fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.
Shall bi liable to fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months.
What are the dangers associated with operating a heavy lift derrick close to the horizontal on a General Cargo vessel?
Because the cargo operations at other hatches may have to be suspended
Because the stability of the vessel may become critical
Because there is danger of excessive stresses acting on parts of the derrick system
Because the driver will have a restricted view of the lifting operation
Who will verify the computational results and actual ship data used by the calculation program on a vessel's stability computer?
The Classification Society.
The engineer attending the installation and initial on-site testing.
Many medium and high speed marine diesel engines have connecting rods with an obliquely (angled) split in way of the bottom end which may have serrated faces. What is the main reason that the connecting rods are manufactured with this oblique split?
It reduces the inertial loads generated during operation as the connecting rod can be made lighter.
It allows the bottom end bearing to be large but still allows the piston to be withdrawn from the top of the cylinder.
It allows larger bottom end bolts to be used without risk of fouling the bottom of the oil pan.
It gives better access to the bottom end bolts.
How should drums be stowed on a General Cargo vessel, in compliance with the IMDG Code?
Shrink-wrapped on pallets
Palletised in pyramid formation not more than four tiers high
The ship is to berth alongside a quay in calm conditions of no wind or current. The ship has a single fixed pitch right handed propeller. Which angle of approach would be considered the most favourable?
The decision should be left to the pilot who is in charge of the manoeuvre.
Liquefied gas carriers and terminals must each have an Emergency Shut-Down (ESD) system. In the event of an emergency during loading which is normally the preferred order of operating these emergency shut down systems?
Operate both ESD systems together, simultaneously.
Operate the ship ESD system first.
Operate the terminal ESD system first.
There is no preferred order of operation for these systems.
The HP discharge valves of a 2 stage air compressor suffer from build up of carbon deposits even though the correct maintenance is carried out on them. What is the most likely cause of this problem?
Water in the compressor lubricating oil.
Worn scraper and piston rings.
Compressor cooling water temperature too low.
Ineffective air intake filter.
If left-over cooked meat is to be re-used in another meal, which of the following precautions must be taken?
The meat must be fine chopped to ensure it re-heats to at least 70 degrees Celsius as quickly as possible; it must not be mixed with newly preared raw meat; the dish in which it is used must only be heated once.
The meat can be directly added to another dish and musdt be re-heated to the temperature required by the new recipe; it can then be re-heated for further servings provided it is refrigerated in between.
The cooked meat must have been refrigerated until required; it can be taken out, chopped and mixed thoroughly with newly cooked ingredients, to ensure it is adequately re-heated. If it cools before serving, it can be warmed through on a hot plate or under a heat lamp.
The meat must be sliced to a thickness of less than 5 mm to ensure it re-heats to at least 50 degrees Celsius during cooking; it can only be layered with other previously cooked ingredients; the dish in which it is used can be re-heated again, provided it is refrigerated between each serving.
LNG carriers are usually designated as Type 2G vessels according to the IMO IGC code. In relation to the 'Ship's Survival Capability' what is the level of preventative measure for cargo escape required for this type of vessel according to the Code?
Maximum preventative measures.
Minimum preventative measures
Moderate preventative measures.
Significant preventative measures
What are the main elements in a damage control plan?
A damage control plan is the same as an emergency plan
Boundaries of the watertight compartments for decks and holds. Position of controls for opening and closing of watertight compartments. Arrangement for correction of list due to flooding.
Instructions and procedures for reporting damage to the Company
Arrangements for correction of list due to flooding within 15 minutes
Why do we insulate cargo tanks and other components?
To protect the crewmembers.
To prevent heat flow in the cargo, and to protect the ship's bunker tanks.
To prevent heat flow into the cargo, and to protect the ships structure.
The fuel consumption for the main engine is calculated using the readings from the supply and return flow meters which are of the positive displacement type. When compared to the quantities calculated from tank soundings and calibration tables and indicated on the contents gauges the consumption appears consistently high. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this discrepancy?
The supply flow meter is giving too high a reading due to internal wear.
The tank calibration tables are incorrect.
The tank contents gauges are calibrated for the wrong fuel type.
The return flow meter is giving a low reading due to internal wear.
On a RoRo vessel, a vehicle weighing 50mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft direction and lashed by chains/turnbuckles of SWL 5mt. By the general Rule How many sets of chains/turnbuckles should be used to secure the unit?
Which of the following could cause a blowback from a steam boiler oil fired furnace?
Trying to ignite burner from hot brickwork
Having the fuel oil temperature too high
Having the fuel oil pressure too high
Opening air registers too quickly
Why should all bulk cargoes be trimmed and levelled on completion of loading?
To assist in the discharge
To prevent flammable gasses being generated
To reduce the possibilities of the cargo shifting at sea
To reduce the risk of cargo damage on passage
After successful synchronising the kW and kVar loading are respectively transferred by the following controls:
Current regulator and voltage regulator
Speed governor and load power factor
Voltage regulator and synchroscope
Speed governor and voltage regulator
Which of the answers best summarises the information which should be provided for the bridge Officers of the Watch within an effective Voyage plan.
All of the suggested answers
Expected prevailing wind and weather
Contingency arrangements in case of problems
Courses to steer; distance off dangers; parallel index lines; expected currents; prevailing winds; distance between alteration points.
here do you find detailed information and specific technical requirements for life-saving appliances?
Life-Saving Apliance Code (LSA Code)
A reefer vessel, which is about to carry a palletised cargo, has to have available sufficient cargo equipment including air bags (dunnage bags), air lines and valves, cargo slings, wooden dunnage, nails, etc. These items are required to ensure a quick loading operation and a successful passage. Complete the following statement from the options given. "Air bags are particularly important in that ….
… they are quick and easy to deploy."
… they secure the pallets against movement during the passage."
… they protect the pillars and the vent trunking against damage during heavy weather."
… they reduce the movement of the pallets and prevent short circuiting of the air flow."