Тест состоит из случайных вопросов по выбранной теме.
How many hand held distress flares are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS A pack?
*A fault in the fire detection and fire alarm systems will be indicated:
By fully automatic separate test boards where any faulty condition is initiated by audible and visual signals
By audible and visual signals at the control panel, distinct from the fire signal
*What is the maximum floor area that one smoke detector can cover?
If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the following actions is the first to be taken?
Call the officer on duty.
Check all nearby compartments for survivors.
Try to kill the fire immediately by use of fire-extinguishers or other adequate appliances.
Which fire-fighting equipment is most efficient and with least side effects in case of a large fire in the engine room?
Central foam extinguishing system
Powder extinguishing system
Central gas extinguishing system and/or waterfog.
In which compartments are halogenated hydrocarbons not allowed as fire-extinguishing media? (SOLAS II-2/5.3.1)
Cargo holds for passenger cars and other empty vehicles
*Which of the following spaces may be protected by a fixed high expansion foam fire-extinguishing system?
Machinery spaces of category A-
Cargo pump room of tankers
Ro-ro cargo spaces capable of being sealed, if it is deemed that it gives an equivalent protection as the one that should be achieved by a fixed CO2 system
*What is the expansion ratio of the foam produced by the fixed low-expansion foam fire-extinguishing system of an engine room?
Greater than 20 to 1 but less than 50 to 1
What is the requirements to ventilation ducts of more than 2 metres in length (ships other than passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers)? (SOLAS II-2/16.1)
They shall have lining of non-combustible insulating material
They shall be isolated from any combustible material
They must be fabricated of non-combustible material
They must be fabricated of fire-resistant material
Where do we find information regarding fire extinguishers, fire doors, remotes release buttons, fire equipment etc. onboard a ship?
If you are alone and you see smoke coming from a closed cabin door. What should you do first?
As most people are sleeping, call a friend and ask him to assist in putting out the fire
Get the nearest fire extinguisher and then open the door to see what the situation is
Take a look inside the cabin to see what the situation is
Activate the nearest fire alarm button and advise bridge of the location of the fire
*A self contained breathing apparatus should contain at least 1200 litres of air. How long should this last for a normal person who is not carrying out hard work?
The position that is determined by built in GPS-receiver in an Inmarsat-EPIRB has an accuracy of about:
What should you do if the temperature of Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 65 % carried is raising 2° C per 5 hours and the temperature is above 40° C ?
The cargo should be monitored closely for the next 12 hours.
The cargo should be heated up to 45° C.
No special action to be taken.
To avoid uncontrolled decomposition the cargo should be discharged overboard.
For which ships is the SOLAS convention applicable?
For passenger vessels only.
For all vessels except passenger vessels.
For tankers and other vessels carrying persistent oil as cargo.
Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least (OPA-90)
What rules and regulations are regulating the watch keeping routines in the engine room?
International Standard for Training and Watch keeping (STCW)
Both STCW and Class rules
What is the correct understanding of the term "Bending moments" when applied to ships?
The longitudinal Bending Moments are the forces between empty and full compartments causing the ship to bend and change shape
The Bending Moments of a ship are the forces acting on the ship causing it to hog and sag.
All of the suggested answers
The longitudinal Bending Moment at any section within the ship is the total moments tending to alter the longitudinal shape of the ship
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Area protected by Halon 1301
Area protected by sprinkler
Area protected by drenching system
What is a "Rescue Sub-Centre" (RSC)?
A centre for underwater search and rescue operation
A unit subordinate to a rescue co-ordinating centre
A center established to assist the main national rescue centre
A national search and rescue centre subordinate to an international search and rescue co-ordinating centre
Your engine is going astern and you pick up sternway. The rudder is midships, and you are operating on a single, right-handed fixed screw. How will your ship react?
She will most likely change heading to starboard
She will most likely go straight astern
She will most likely change heading to port
The stern will be lifted to starboard
The main purpose of a mariphone onboard is:
to ask for clearance at bridges and locks
to maintain contact with shore subscribers
If on low-power, VHF channels 15 and 17 may be used for:
on board communications (intra-ship traffic)
Which wave length applies to a frequency of 20 MHz?
On board one can use the reflections in the ionosphere by the right choice of:
Which of the following information shall be specified by the muster list ?
the muster list has been prepared and approved by the Administration before the ship proceeds to sea.
the abandon ship signal consisting of two long blasts.
the specific duties assigned to passengers that are in charge of a group of others.
details of the general emergency alarm signal consisting of seven or more short blasts, followed by one long blast.
An immersion suit is constructed such that it can be unpacked and donned within:
Which one of the listed requirements regarding inflatable liferafts corresponds to present regulations? Every liferaft shall be so constructed that:
in the event of capsizing it will automatically attain a position providing an above water escape
when floating in the inverted position it can be righted by one person
it's canopy has viewing ports in all directions
have at least two entrances
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one immersion suit for each person
a radar reflector or a radar transponder
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Rescue boat with waterproof canopy
Lifeboat with waterproof canopy
You are starting to get low on water in the lifeboat. What should you do?
Mix sea water with 50% fresh water
*How much food per person is supplied on a lifeboat?
None -only barley sugar-sweets supplied
During a helicopter evacuation, the helicopter lowers his winch wire to the deck. Which of the following should NOT be done with the winch wire?
Secure it to a strong point on deck
Touch the wire with bare hands
Secure it to the deck with a weak link
All of the mentioned actions
What is the main advantage of having a central cooling system fitted on board ship?
It should require less maintenance than a conventional system using only sea water.
It does not require any seawater.
It is a simple system with minimum control requirements.
Only one heat exchanger is needed for all cooling duties.
Following complete shut down of the steam plant, the boiler has been heated in accordance with the correct starting up procedure, and the steam pressure is rising. What is the correct procedure to be adopted when opening the main steam valve to the range?
Use the main steam valve bypass/warming through line to gradually heat up the steam range with the drains open before opening the main valve.
Open the main valve a little bit to allow the range to heat up.
Open the main valve as quickly as possible to get rid of any water that has collected in the steam range.
Don't open the main valve until the boiler reaches normal working pressure.
When data are to be transferred over telephone lines, we often utilize modem at each end. Which of the following adapter cards (parts) will you use for interfacing a modem to a computer?
A steward reaches into a sink filled with soapy water to remove the plug. He cuts his hand on a carving knife lying in the bottom. What policy will best eliminate the chance of this kind of accident happening again while still maintaining hygiene standards?
Everymember of the galley staff is made responsible for washing their own knives.
Heavy duty gloves are to be worn when working at the sink.
Detergent shall not be used if knives are to be washed.
There is a dedicated sink for washing knives.
On oil tankers, Cargo tanks can be isolated from machinery spaces by:
Which of the following is considered as a possible source of ingress of seawater into the cargo holds?
Hatch covers and coamings
What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the sketch?
A positive temperature coefficient thermistor will typically have
Relatively linear characteristic
Relatively non linear characteristic
The fuel injection timing of a diesel engine is delayed causing high cylinder exhaust gas temperatures. What is the likely effect of this condition on turbocharger operation?
Continuous surging of the turbocharger
Vibration of the turbocharger.
Decreased turbocharger revolutions
Increased turbocharger revolutions
How should wooden chopping boards be arranged after washing?
They should be placed in an oven set on a low heat, to dry them as quickly as possible.
They should be quickly wiped with a cloth and then stacked on top of one another.
Wooden chopping boards should not be washed; they should only ever be scraped and wiped with a dry cloth.
They should be placed vertically in a drying rack, in such a way that air circulates over all surfaces during drying.
When bunkering through the port side of the bunker manifold what action should be taken with the valves on the starboard side of the manifold prior to bunkering operations commencing?
Just fit the blank flanges then it doesn’t matter if the valves are closed or not.
The blank flanges should be removed from the starboard side manifold valves to check for any leakage past the closed valves.
Just check that the valves are closed.
Blank flanges should be fitted to the closed starboard side manifold valves.
What do you understand by the term "Let Go" when applied to mooring and unmooring?
Let Go means to let seafarers go ashore
Let Go means to slacken a mooring rope
Let Go means to leave the ship
Let Go means to cast off the mooring ropes and wires
The decision to abort a proposed or ongoing ship to ship mooring or cargo transfer operation rests solely with:
The Sen.Off.Deck of the constant direction or anchored vessel which is to discharge the cargo.
The Pilot, if one is present on either ship.
Either of the Sen.Off.Deck if he feels the situation is heading out of control due to bad weather, bad manoeuvring, or for any other reason.
The Sen.Off.Deck of the manoeuvring or offtake vessel.
What temperature defines "hot" water in the context of tank washing on a chemical tanker?
A minimum of 10 degrees Celsius above the discharge temperature of the cargo.
At least 40 degrees Celsius.
At least 60 degrees Celsius.
At least 70 degrees Celsius.
A sudden or gradual decrease in the pH-value, or an increase of the sulfate content, in the cooling water may indicate:
Leakages from seawater coolers
Leakages from L.O. coolers.
High concentration of corrosion inhibitors
The circuit symbol is a widely used system for converting AC voltage to DC voltage. In this case the input voltage is a sine-wave. Which of the shown diagrams is correct for the output voltage V(out.)
What collective culinary term is given to the internal organs of a butchered animal, such as the heart, kidneys, liver, tripe, etc?
What is ‘Standardized Cargo’?
Cargo for which the ship is provided with an approved securing system
Cargo that is shipped in standard dimensions
What action should be taken if the heat transfer capacity of a heat exchanger operating as a lubricating oil cooler is reducing?
Increase the lubricating oil flowrate.
Decrease the lubricating oil flowrate.
The heat transfer surfaces should be cleaned.
Increase the cooling water pressure.
When could there be a demonstration of how to start a lifeboat engine?
There is an instruction card inside the lifeboat showing how to start the engine.
A demonstration could be arranged during a lifeboat drill
A demonstration is not necessary, because there are a limited number of persons who given the responsibility for starting the lifeboat engine
Starting the lifeboat engine is very easy and there does not need to be any demonstration
Representative of the port authorities should always receive the best possible treatment:
For ship's clearance to take place quickly and without complications
Because the ship's trading certificate are not normally in order
Because you always have some faults in arrival/departure documents
Because you have undeclared dutiable items in excess of permitted on board
What indicates the correct weight of a wrongly declared container?
The ship’s loading computer
Strain gauges fitted to the shore gantry cranes
The tare weight stamped on the container
When a Classification Society surveyor identifies corrosion, structural defects or damage to the hull of a vessel, machinery and / or any piece of equipment which, based on the society's rules and in the opinion of the surveyor affects the ship's class, which of the following is that surveyor likely to issue?
A Notification of Deficiency.
A revised Class Notation.
A Notification of Detention.
When washing a cargo hold of a bulk carrier prior to loading a cargo of steel products, why is the space washed down with salt water and then fresh water?
To maintain safe access by hold ladders
To assisting in drying the hold space
To prevent damage to paint coatings
To remove all traces of salt that would possibly contaminate the cargo if water drops onto the cargo
During inspection of the crankshaft of a medium speed diesel engine cracks are discovered at one of the main journal pins. The cracks originate from one of the oil holes and are progressing along the pin at approximately 45 degrees to the axis. From the options given select the most likely failure mode that would cause this.
Torsional fatigue due to excessive torsional vibration in the crankshaft.
Shear due to excessive loading of the crankshaft.
Fatigue due to repeated excessive bending of the crankshaft.
Erosion due to excessive oil flow through the oil hole in the crankshaft pin.
Which regulations require supervising the embarkation of persons on board ro-ro vessels?
The Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) Convention
International Labour Organization (ILO) standards
Standards of Training Certification and Watch-keeping (STCW) Code
The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
To which of the following ratios are transverse accelerations related?
Ship’s breadth divided by LCB
Ship’s breadth divided by the maximum righting lever
Ship’s breadth divided by GM
Ship’s breadth divided by the distance between cargo units and the ship's centreline
A combustible gas indicator of the catalytic filament type is used to check the atmosphere in an enclosed space onboard ship. When taking readings in a fuel tank which has been emptied for cleaning the meter reading initially rises and then falls back to zero. What is the likely defect, if any, in the instrument when this type of behaviour is displayed?
The sampling pump is faulty.
The filament has burnt out.
The filament is contaminated due to too high a concentration of hydrocarbons.
Who is responsible for the safe keeping of the ship's documents?
How can you arrange for safe movement of passengers on ro-ro decks?
Passengers should stay in their cars until loading is completed. They should keep to walkways when leaving the car.
Passengers are responsible for their own safety while moving about ro-ro decks.
It is easy, only drivers are allowed to stay in the car during loading and unloading.
Passengers should be warned of vehicle movements when entering or crossing car or vehicle decks. They should preferably keep to walkways while moving about the ship.
Two conventional reefer vessels are being considered for a charter that involves the transhipment at sea, or at anchor, of a cargo of frozen squid, as weather permits. Both vessels have 4 holds, vessel A has high speed, 10 tonne deck cranes and vessel B has 5 tonne, union purchase derricks. Which of the vessels, if any, would be best suited to this type of operation?
Vessel B would be more suitable as the derricks will give more control of the operation at sea or at anchor.
Vessel A would be more suitable as the greater lift capacity of the cranes would allow bigger pallets to be transhipped.
Neither vessel would be suitable as none of the cargo handling equipment fitted could be used at sea or at anchor.
Vessel A would be more suitable as the high speed cranes would allow the operation to be completed more quickly.
The cold room temperature is almost at the cut out point in a vapour-compression refrigeration system. What should the refrigerant state be just after the evaporator if the system is correctly set up?
Slightly superheated low pressure gas.
Sub-cooled liquid at low pressure.
Wet vapour at high pressure.
The physical size of a resistor is an indicator of its
Power dissipation capability
One of the purposes to MARPOL Annex I is to:
Ensure that the ships certificates are valid.
The tanker is en-route and meets certain discharging conditions.
Prevent operational oil pollution by providing ships with discharge criteria and other guidelines to follow.
Prevent sea-going incident involving tankers.
One cylinder of a diesel engine has to be cut out to allow continued operation of the engine. Which of the following options may be the cause of the problem?
Camshaft timing incorrect.
Gas side of turbocharger fouled.
Where would you look for definitive information on whether a particular cargo is classified as a "Noxious Liquid Substance"? (Other than products provisionally assessed).
The pollution category column of chapters 17 or 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code).
The product groups within the list of cargoes contained in the Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water.
The Procedures and Arrangements Manual.
The pollution category of chapter 17 (only) of the International Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code).
How can the ship’s master prove that a vessel is British?
By showing survey certificates issued by Lloyds Register in London
By showing the ship-s register
By showing a Certificate of Equivalent Competency issued by the MCA
When the temperature of the air increases with height it is known as a "Temperature Inversion" and may influence the performance of some instruments on the ship. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch be prepared to happen?
The GPS may give errors of position because of interference of incoming signals from the satellites
The bearings obtained from the Directional Finder (DF) will not be as accurate as normal
Abnormal ranges of VHF RT and Second Trace Returns on the radar
The radar will be show abnormal sea clutter as the pulse is trapped by the inversion.
You are about to commence tank-cleaning after discharging a cargo of Olefins. What should happen with "ball" type valves in the pipeline system during cleaning?
They should be operated (opened and closed) to ensure all surfaces are flushed and drain plugs should be temporarily removed.
They should remain fully open throughout to ensure washing water does not back up against the valve.
The bolts in the flanges either side of such valves should be slackened off to ensure residues are flushed clear of the surfaces of the valve casing.
They should only be opened when it is necessary to discharge washing water.
The vast majority of electrical instrumentation and testing equipment used onboard liquefied gas carriers is classes as intrinsically safe. What is the IMO Gas Codes' definition of intrinsically safe equipment?
Equipment which cannot become filled with a flammable mixture because the casing is completely gas tight.
Equipment which is filled with an inert gas which will prevent any internal ignition when in use.
Equipment which is incapable of releasing sufficient energy, during use or in specified fault condition, to cause ignition of a hazardous atmosphere.
Equipment which is designed to contain any flame which may develop due to internal ignition within the enclosure of the equipment.
What is the purpose of Material Safety Data Sheets?
To provide personnel in deck- and engine department with procedures for handling or working with that substance in a safe manner
To determine if the substance is flammable or not
To provide the safety officer with procedures for handling or working with that substance in a safe manner
To provide all personnel including emergency personnel with procedures for handling or working with that substance in a safe manner
What kind of safety protection is to be weared during a mooring operation?
Safety shoes and boiler suit.
Helmet, safety shoes, gloves and protecting cloths.
The water cooling space on the turbocharger is damaged and you have no spares. The cooling water must be closed. Which steps would you take to ensure least possible damage?
Make no modifications, but tell the duty engineer to pay special attention for abnormalities
Run the engine at a lower speed
Cool the turbocharger by means of air.
Dismantle the rotor and assemble the sealing plate
During a routine check of one of the auxiliary engines in an UMS operated engine room, a minor leakage on a high pressure fuel pipe was observed. What would be an appropriate action and/or precaution to be taken? (Assume normal operation; 2 sets operating and 1 set standby)
Any of the mentioned alternatives will meet the requirement.
Have a motorman on watch for the rest of the night, especially instructed to watch the engine
Change the operation to the third generator set, leaving the original set as stand-by awaiting possibility to repair the failure.
Change operation to the third generator set, preparing the original set for repair of the failure and switching to manual mode until repair is carried out.
Which kind of cargo pumps are the most commonly used in cargo systems for gas carriers?
Hydraulic driven screw pumps.
Hydraulic driven submerged pumps.
Submerged electric motor pumps.
Electric driven screw pumps.
Which is the "STARBOARD QUARTER", in the figure?
The Starboard quarter is C, in the figure
The Starboard quarter is B, in the figure
The Starboard quarter is A, in the figure
The Starboard quarter is D, in the figure
A road trailer is marked as follows: SWL 70t; Tare wt. 6t. What is the gross weight of the trailer when carrying it maximum payload?
What is the purpose of the discharge booster pump?
To increase the manifold pressure.
To maintain the cargo temperature.
To compensate for friction losses in the discharge line.
Why is the cargo boil-off vapour on conventional LNG carriers not normally condensed and returned to the cargo tanks?
The amount boil-off is very low due to good insulation so its not worth the effort.
Since the cargo always has a low pressure and temperature there is no need for cooling.
The cargo temperature is normally too low to be cooled with conventional cooling plants.
Because of the high energy consumption needed to condense and recover the boil off.
After clearing lines following the loading of cargoes such as Naphthas, Xylene, Toluene, Benzene, White Spirits and Kerosenes, it is necessary to wait for a specified period before taking manual ullages or samples. Why is this?
These are all "static accumulator" cargoes. As a cargo line is blown, electrostatically charged bubbles enter the tank and rise through the cargo, generating a high voltage at the surface. It is necessary to wait for a specified period of "relaxation time", to allow the charge to disperse, before introducing any potentially conductive object.
These are all cargoes which may form a wax on the surface of the cargo. As a cargo line is blown, bubbles enter the tank and rise through the cargo. If exposed to cold air as they reach the surface, a wax "carpet" may form across the whole tank. It is necessary to wait for a period of "levelling time" before allowing any air to enter the tank and taking any manual ullages or samples.
These are all cargoes with a high vapour pressure. As a cargo line is blown, the pressure in the ullage space above the surface of the cargo increases. It is necessary to wait for a period of "settling time", before opening the tank lids for sampling and gauging.
These are all cargoes considered to have high noxious vapour levels. As a cargo line is blown, the surface inside the tank is severely disturbed, releasing large quantities of these vapours. It is necessary to wait for a period of "adjusting time", before carrying out any open sampling or gauging.
What is the most negative side of using a centrifugal cargo pump?
Displacing the liquid by reducing the volume inside the pump.
High purchase and installation cost.
Mechanically displaces the liquid in the pump.
The lack of self priming.
Why may wearing sweat rags slung round your neck when working in the machinery spaces be hazardous?
The rags may cause sweat rash.
The rags may cause you to get too hot and faint.
The rags may be caught by running machinery or power tools.
The rags may be soaked with oil and catch fire.
On a RoRo vessel, what factor(s) determine whether or not a cargo unit will tip over?
The length and width of the cargo unit
The width of the cargo unit
The shape and centre of gravity and securing arrangements of the cargo unit
If you have to carry out hot work close to a smoke detector in the engine room, what precautions should be taken?
Notify Master, Deck officer and engineer in charge.The loop for the smoke detector to be switched off and take normal precautions for hot work.
Notify deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur.
No special precautions except for having a watch man and a fire extinguisher available.
Disconnect or cover up the smoke detector.
What is the mean of mean draught?
Forward mean draught + after mean draught divided by 2
6 (forward mean draught + after mean draught) divided by 8
Forward mean draught + after mean draught + midship mean draught divided by 2
Forward mean draught + after mean draught + midship mean draught divided by 6
When we are taking "ullages", what are we really doing?
Measuring distance from cargo level to ullage point
Measuring distance from tank bottom to surface of cargo
Measuring distance from tank bottom to ullage point
Measuring distance from tank bottom to deck level