Тест состоит из случайных вопросов по выбранной теме.
The duty engineer of a UMS ship is approached by a member of the ship's staff, seeking permission to hang wet working clothes in the engine room to dry. Should he:
Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail anywhere.
Allow the clothes to be hung over rail next to the warm F.O. service tanks.
Not allow the clothes to be hung anywhere in the unmanned machinery spaces.
Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail provided there is no electrical equipment directly below.
On a fire patrol at night you see smoke coming from a closed cabin door. What action should you take first?
Activate the nearest fire alarm button and advise bridge of the location of the fire.
Take a look inside the cabin to see what the situation is.
Get the nearest fire extinguisher and then open the door to see what the situation is.
As most people are sleeping, call a friend and ask him to assist in putting out the fire.
What is/are the area(s) of the vessel which present a greater risk of fire?
Cargo holds and engine rooms
One of the risks of using CO2 is the low temperatures that it reaches when it vaporises; this temperature is approximately
*How long should it take to release at least two thirds of the charge of CO2 that is provided for a ro-ro cargo space protected with a fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing system?
*The temperature control system of the main engine crankshaft bearings indicates high temperature. What would be the correct way to open and check the crankcase?
Stop the engine immediately, stop the lube oil pump, and inspect the crankcase after 5 minutes
Stop the engine and open crankcase down immediately for inspection
Reduce the RPM to a minimum and open the crankcase doors carefully
Stop the engine immediately and keep the lube oil pump running for at least 20 minutes before opening the crankcase
In case of a fire on the line in an oxyacetylene-line gas welding equipment, what action should be taken?
Close the valves on both bottles, first the acetylene and then the oxygen bottle
Do not close any valve and attack the fire, preferably with powder
Close the valve(s) on the acetylene bottle only
Close the valve(s) on the oxygen bottle only
How often must a crew member participate in a fire drill?
In a smoke filled alleyway, where will the cleanest air be found, and how should you proceed out?
Near to the lower part, therefore sit down and wait for the rescue party
Near to the deck, crawl out keeping your face as near to the deck as possible
It will be the same in all the parts, therefore you should just leave as quickly as possible
Near to the upper part, stand as tall as possible and walk out
Inmarsat Telex Service code ‘33’ can be used:
when the coast-station is disfunctional
to ask for ‘maritime enquiries
when technical problems are experienced with the Inmarsat-terminal
One has to check the SART-unit:
on the mechanism which automatically releases the SART during the sinking of the vessel
on the proper functioning of the recharger and the charge-conditions of the battery
on the date of replacing the battery
A distress-call received via RCC should:
Only be given receipt, if the master has confirmed that assistance indeed can be given
Be given receipt, even when indubitably too distant from the distress case
" On area A1 the function "" Transmission and reception of ship to ship distress alerts "" is mainly based on:"
the use of SART transponders
What are the three Search and Rescue urgency phases
Uncertaity – Search – Rescue
Search – Assistance – Rescue
Uncertainty – Alert – Distress
On the radio telephony 2182 kHz frequency when are the "silence periods"?
For 6 minutes starting on the hour and half hour.
For 6 minutes starting at quarter past and 45 minutes past.
For 3 minutes starting on the hour and half hour.
For 3 minutes starting at quarter past and 45 minutes past.
If you want to call a person on shore, it is a:
On board they want to establish a telex connection by HF-set with the ship Apollogracht. In the guides you find for the Apollogracht the following ID’s:244320000, 424432010, 424432020, 1300210, 36715. What ID should be chosen:
What will happen if Phenol is overheated ?
It will be discolored and turn pink.
It will freeze and turn pink.
When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules, alarm instructions and your own duties in case of an emergency?
By oral instructions by the Captain
By alarm instructions in all crew cabins
By folder distributed to each crewmember
By muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places
Who is responsible for the vessel's radio station and mandatory radio routines?
What is the function of an OSC (OPA-90)
On the Scene Co-ordinator
Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least (OPA-90)
Which method of oil cleanup is NOT usually allowed?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Remote controlled fire pumps
International shore connection
Who is authorized to prescribe use of locomotives and canal deck-hands during transit of the Panama Canal?
The Cristobal or Balboa harbour masters respectively
What document gives permission to have the on board transmitting equipment?
The wave length of a radio signal in the ether is mainly determined by:
Which class of emission is used for VHF radio telephony transmissions ?
Define the class of emission H3E :
Radiotelex and DSC - Frequency shift keying of carrier with error correction
Radiotelephony - Single sideband full carrier
Radiotelex and DSC - Phase modulation
Radiotelephony - Single sideband suppressed carrier
Which of the following is not a mean of ensuring the avaibility of equipment (maintenance methods)?
Computer-aided maintenance
At sea electronic maintenance
*Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" as being assigned to members of the crew ?
preparation of immersion suits for the ship's passengers
operation of the vessel's propulsion system
preparation of manoeuvres intended to ease launching of the survival craft
closing of watertight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers, side scuttles, skylights and portholes
In a distress situation how many times, or for how long is the emergency alarm signal to be sounded ?
until it is manually turned off or is temporary interrupted by a message on the public address system
until the signal "risk is over" or the order "abandon ship" is given
A lifejacket should be provided with:
On ships built after February 1992 all lifejackets should be fitted with a light
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every liferaft ?
two painters of a length equal to not less than the distance from the stowage position of the liferaft to the waterline
four rocket parachute flares
one searchlight which can work continuously for not less than 3 hoursc
Every inflatable liferaft , inflatable lifejacket and hydrostatic release units shall be serviced:
You have abandoned ship in a liferaft. In most cases, which of the following actions should you generally take?
Organise a lookout system. Join up with other survival craft if possible. Stream the sea anchor
Join up with any other survival craft and stream the sea anchor
Start paddling in the direction of the nearest land
Organise a lookout system
*Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill?
Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances
Manoeuvring the lifeboat in the water
Launching and recovery of a survival craft
a mock search and rescue of passengers trapped in their staterooms
The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?
Always use gloves when using grinding machines.
Do not use loose garments, belts, ties or scarfs near winches and moving machinery.
Always use protective working shoes when working outdoors.
Always use gloves when handling nylon ropes.
A pilot ladder shall, to prevent twisting, be fitted with 'battens'. The lowest batten shall be the 5th step from the lower end of the pilot ladder. At what intervals should there be further battens upwards on the pilot ladder?
It does not matter where the battens are fitted.
At intervals not exceeding 15 steps.
At intervals not exceeding 9 steps.
At intervals not exceeding 12 steps.
What is an independent cargo tank ?
It`s a cargo tank where all piping or venting piping are seperate and in no way connected to other systems.
It`s a cargo tank where both vent pipies and cargo pipes can be common with other systems.
It`s a cargo tank where all cargo piping are seperate but vent piping can be common with other systems.
It`s a cargo tank where all vent pipies are seperate but cargo pipes can be common with other systems.
A triac is used to provide temperature control of an oven. The galley complain that the oven only reaches approximately 50% of demanded temperature. Which of the following is a likely cause?
The voltage supply to the oven controller is reduced by about 50%
Connection between the demand knob and the triac gate terminal has gone open circuit.
One of the main switching elements in the triac has failed.
The triac has completely failed.
What is the purpose of a "Strum Box" on a General Cargo Vessel?
To prevent solids from entering the cargo hold via the bilges
To prevent water from entering the cargo hold
To prevent all solids from entering the bilge system
To prevent solids of certain size from entering the bilge system
Why is it necessary to have an effective ballast water management plan which includes provision for changing out ballast in open water rather than discharging ballast in coastal waters?
To allow ballast tank inspections to be carried out during ballast passage.
To keep the ballast water fresh in the ballast tanks during long voyages.
To avoid the introduction of non-indigenous species of marine life from one area to another.
To ensure that ballast tanks are always pressed up during a ballast voyage to avoid free surface effects.
Whenever ro-ro/car decks are unattended the following applies:
Fire detection systems should be switched on, Deck and engine crew should be trained in the use of the drencher systems and their operation, Continous monitoring of ro-ro/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) or regular fire patrols should also be in place, All fire doors should be kept closed on ro-ro/car decks when the vessel is at sea
Fire detection systems should be switched on, Continous monitoring of ro-ro/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) or regular fire patrols should also be in place, All fire doors should be kept closed on ro-ro/car decks when the vessel is at sea
Continous monitoring of ro-ro/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
Fire detection systems should be switched on, All fire doors should be kept closed on ro-ro/car decks when the vessel is at sea
A steward reaches into a sink filled with soapy water to remove the plug. He cuts his hand on a carving knife lying in the bottom. What policy will best eliminate the chance of this kind of accident happening again while still maintaining hygiene standards?
Everymember of the galley staff is made responsible for washing their own knives.
Heavy duty gloves are to be worn when working at the sink.
Detergent shall not be used if knives are to be washed.
There is a dedicated sink for washing knives.
Who is responsible for maintaining the vessel's structural strenght?
The Flag State Administration
The Shipping Company and the Classification Society
What is one way to try to overcome people's fears about loved ones?
Inform them about the nature of the emergency.
Prevent them from looking for their loved ones.
Assure them that the crew is sweeping the entire ship for passengers.
Give them a lifejacket to put on.
Where should placards be located on a freight container?
One of the back end and one on one of the sides (only).
One on each end and one on each side.
In a closed loop control system the error signal is derived from which of the following?
The tolerance of the feedback sensor
The process and the feeedback sensor
The demand and the feedback signal
The process and the demand
Which of the following letter combinations represents a level indicating controller on a process and instrumentation diagramv
Before engaging the Turning Gear, precautions should be taken to:
Open the indicator cocks and open the starting air supply
Close the inlet and outlet valves for cooling water
Transfer M/E control from control room to emergency control console of engine
Shut off the starting air supply and open the indicator cocks
What causes shock loads in a container lashing system?
Is smoking permitted in the galley? (Select the most correct answer)
Yes, but only once food service is completed.
If the vessel is in port, it is prohibited; if the vessel is at sea, then it is permitted.
Yes, because it is not considered a public area.
On a Container vessel, when will a hatch pontoon's quick-acting cleat need replacement?
When the rubber washer is compressed and hardened
When the cleat has sprung open at sea
When the cleat retainer is rusty
When the cleat retainer is distorted
As well as hazards due to flammability, toxicity and frostbite some liquefied gas cargoes may cause chemical burns in the event of skin contact? Which of the commonly carried cargoes given in the options is most likely to result in chemical burns due to skin contact?
When refitting the bolts into a flange on a steam line how should the bolts be prepared so that they can be easily removed next time maintenance is required?
Coat the threads in graphite based grease.
Fit the bolts dry with a spring washer.
Apply thread tape to the bolt threads.
Coat the threads in general purpose grease.
You are loading a cargo of Vinyl Acetate Monomer to several tanks on board. Tank 6 centre is about to finish and the next tank to load is 2 centre. How will you operate the valves to achieve this change-over?
I will close the valves for tank 6 centre when the required ullage is reached and then open the valves for 2 centre.
When the required ullage is reached in tank 6 centre, I will close the manifold valve, then close the tank valves for that tank. I will then open the tank valves for 2 centre and finally open the manifold valve again. (Using the manifold valve to control the flow avoids any pressure-surge in the shore line).
I will open the valves for tank 2 centre and then close those for 6 centre, as the required ullage is reached.
I will stop loading cargo when tank 6 centre reaches its required ullage and close the valves to that tank. I will then open up the valves to tank 2 centre and resume loading cargo.
What has a major adverse effect on the manoeuverability of a RoRo car carrier?
The vessel's block coeffecient
When should you use safety goggles?
When you are filling in the engine room log book.
When you are tidying up in the engine room workshop.
When you are working with power tools or chemicals.
" On area A1 the function "" Transmission and reception of signals for locating "" is mainly based on:"
the use of SART transponders
the use of INMARSAT Epirbs
the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs
What claims could arise against the vessel at the discharge port for steel reinforcing rods loaded in open-top containers?
Physical damages to the cargo
Cargo staining by rust, hydraulic oil or grease
Which of these tasks are performed as part of the SSA?
Implement measures to address weaknesses in ship security.
Train shipboard personnel in their security duties.
Assess the likelihood and potential consequences of security incidents.
Assign security duties to ship personnel.
What is a "consignee"?
Any person or company which seeks to transport a consignment of cargo by sea.
Any person, organization or government that prepares a consignment for shipment.
Any person, organization or government entitles to take delivery of a consignment.
Any person or company responsible for the operation of a vessel which carries a consignment as freight.
Which of the following forms of food poisoning is particularly associated with outbreaks on cruise ships?
Staphylococcal enterotoxin.
What is the benefit of using prismatic Type "B" tanks?
The benefit of maximising ship hull volumetric and having the entire cargo tank placed beneath the main deck.
The tank is completely self-supported and do not form part of the ship's hull structure.
The hold space can be filled with dry air.
The secondary barrier form part of the ship's hull.
You are to load a cargo of Cyclohexanol to tanks 2, 3 and 4 centre and 2 and 4 wing tanks. The lines to these tanks are all connected at the manifold with flexible hoses and are all capable of being isolated with the exception of 2 centre, which has therefore been designated as the last tank to load. What will you do with the other tanks as they complete loading?
Close only the tank loading valves, so that pressure remains constant around the pipeline system and flexible hoses. Continue to monitor the cargo levels in the finished tanks to ensure that the high-level alarms are not activated as the ship's trim changes.
Close only the corresponding manifold cross-over valves as the tanks finish, so that the pressure in the lines equalises with the pressures in the tanks. Re-check the ullages at the end of loading as they will have changed as the trim of the ship has changed.
Close the tank loading valves, then close the appropriate manifold cross-over valves. After a few minutes, re-open the tank loading valves and leave them like this until cargo operations are completed, to ensure they drain fully. Re-check the ullages at the end of loading and then close the tank loading valves.
Close the appropriate manifold cross-over valves and tank loading valves as each tank finishes. Continue to monitor the cargo levels in the finished tanks to ensure that the valves are not passing.
Chemicals and harmful substances are safely stored in a designated locker on board, why?
For safety reasons. Many substances found onboard are capable of damaging the health and safety of those exposed to them. Before any chemical or harmful substance is delivered to a crewmember, the personnel shall receive training, instructions and information so that they know and understand the risks arising from use.
For safety reasons and stock control. When chemicals or harmful substances is delivered to a crewmember, the user shall sign for the amount received.
Chemicals and harmful substances must be kept away from passengers so that they don't steal it.
For stock control. Most of the chemicals and harmful substances we use on board are expensive.
Measurement of oil cargoes is often achieved with a "UTI" device. What do the letters "UTI" stand for?
Ullage Topping Instrument.
Ullage Temperature Interface.
Some specialised vessels, mainly those involved in the carriage of fish, are capable of carriage temperatures as low as minus 60 degree Celsius. From the options given select the one that best describes why such low temperatures are used.
At minus 62 degrees Celsius the eutectic point is reached and all water in the cells is frozen.
Longer transport times are possible and hence less powerful vessels are required.
Higher charter rates can be achieved.
Quick temperature reduction is possible.
Some engine manufacturers recommend that washing of the compressor side is not carried out. Is this due to;
The thermal shock exhibited by the vanes.
The nozzle ring becoming corroded.
Greasy sludge from the compressor sticking between the fins in the air coolers, necessitating extra cleaning of these.
Large volumes of water being carried over into the cylinders of the engine.
The picture shows a liquid filled thermometer. Liquid filled thermometers and manometers are often installed onboard ships. What is the main purpose for the liquid filling of such pointer instruments?
Keep the rear side of the front glass clean
Avoid water penetration from outside
Reduce mechanical wear on the internal parts caused by vibration
Compensating for changes in ambient temperature
What general background colour is used on warning signs that indicate emergency or first-aid features, or indicate a safe condition?
Is it required to have supplementary emergency electric lighting on board passenger ships?
No, passengers should bring their own flashlights
No, reflective marking indicates the escape routes
Yes, all passenger public spaces and alleyways shall be provided with supplementary electric lighting
On a RoRo vessel, what should be done if a non dangerous goods ro-ro unit is found stowed in an incorrect location?
Advise stevedores at the port of discharge
Mark the unit and amend the stowage plan whilst informing the Master and company
Which mineral is essential for building and maintaining bones and teeth?
During UMS rounds at night during a sea passage, and the duty engineer discovers the main engine lube oil pump starter "chattering" loudly. Should he:
Switch over to the other pump and inform the CE of the noise immediately.
Call the electrician and inform him of the noise.
Inform the duty officer on the bridge of the noise.
Switch over to the other pump and leave the starter until the next morning.
Who will verify the computational results and actual ship data used by the calculation program on a vessel's stability computer?
The Classification Society.
The engineer attending the installation and initial on-site testing.
Who decides the number of lashings you should put on a trailer?
What dangers are associated with using a steep loading ramp?
The ramp's hoisting wires can be damaged
The ends of ro-ro units can be damaged
It will not be possible to drive vehicles off the ramp
The ramp may slide off the pier
Where should fixed stacking cones be positioned?
On deck in non-cellular vessels
At the base of cell guides
Between containers in under-deck stowage locations
On the tank top in non-cellular vessels
A three phase alternator is connected singularly to the main switchboard. The switchboard instruments show 400 Volts/500 amperes. With a power factor of 0.5 what will be the kW load?
Under which IMDG Class is fishmeal carried when not treated with anti-oxidant?
Class 9 - Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
Class 4.1 - Flammable solid
Class 4.2 - Flammable solid
Class 5.1 - Oxidizing substance
We have a problem with surging in the turbocharger. Which of the following could be the cause?
The lubrication oil pump is malfunctioning
Dirty scavenging air cooler on the air side
Dirty rotor blades and nozzle ring.
Worn out bearings on the turbocharger
High level and high-high level alarms must be tested at the tank for proper operation within 24 hours of the start of cargo transfer. What acceptable alternative is there to this requirement?
There is no alternative to this requirement. The test must be conducted at the tank location and the audible and visual alrams sighted. The results must be logged accordingly.
That a programme of maintenance, including selective function tests, exists within the vessel's Planned maintenance System, provided all such level alarms are tested at least once within a period of three months.
That a function test is carried out on completion of cleaning operations following discharge.
That a function test is carried out by means of an automatic self-test and circuit monitoring facility within the alarm system.
What is the primary responsibility of a watch-keeping engineer?
The primary responsibility of a watch-keeping engineer is to ensure the efficient operation of all running machinery
The primary responsibility of a watch-keeping engineer is to carry out periodic inspections of the entire engine room
The primary duty of a watch-keeping engineer is to guarantee the proper operation of all equipment in the engine room
The primary duty of a watch-keeping engineer is to represent the Chief Engineer
What is the purpose of introducing inert gas into cargo tanks?
To create a non-explosive atmosphere in the tank.
To reduce the static electricity potential in the tank.
To prevent evaporation of cargo.
To make the tank safe for entry.
Where is a load-equalising device used?
With parallel lashing rods
With upper and lower crossed lashings
U-tube manometers are often used to measure differential pressure. Which of the listed pressures is U-tube manometers mostly used for?
High differential pressures
Low differential pressures
In a US port and according to the Code of Federal Regulations, a 'Declaration of Inspection' must be completed before the transfer of an oil cargo can take place. Who is responsible for preparing this Declaration?
The ship's officer in charge of the oil transfer operation.
The Terminal Representative (Loading Master).
The US Coast Guard Captain of the port (COTP) or his designated representative.
Give the meaning of the following symbol