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Green Light Recruitment is a crew manning agency from Batumi, Georgia, specializing in the selection and recruitment of marine personnel for different types of merchant ships. The Company was established in 2016 by a group of Maritime professionals who have more than 20 years of combined crewing business and seafaring experience. The company is certified by the Georgian government and holds all necessary certifications of MLC compliance and ISO 9001 from Bureau Veritas. The years in crewing services have equipped us with a vast and constantly updated pool of dedicated and competent Georgian seafarers who are among the best in the world due to their comprehensive experience and high level of professionalism. We aim to create long-term value for our clients by recruiting and retaining high-quality seafarers to ensure safe and efficient ship operation. We offer the following services to Shipowners and Ship management companies: Partial and complete crew management for various types of merchant ships, Travel and visa arrangements for the crew, Booking of air tickets and bus, railway, and car transfers within Georgia, Crew medical examination, Supply of working gear and uniform with Principal’s logo (upon Principal’s request), English language courses for seafarers, Other related services and possibilities. If you are looking for a dedicated and trustworthy partner you are kindly invited to contact us.
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