Der Test besteht aus 80 zufälligen Fragen.
Gesamtzahl der Fragen zu diesem Thema: 89
It may be difficult to tell if there is a fracture or a sprain:
Inspiration is mainly caused by muscle activity of the Diaphragm:
Food poisoning may be caused by eating food, that is contaminated by bacteria or by toxins produced by bacteria, that were already in the food:
A person suffering from a moderate to hard blow to the head, should always be under close observation in the early hours after the accident, considering possible development of edema in the head:
You can threat a person with heat exhaustion by giving him salt and water:
Shock and circulation failure are equivalent:
An internal abdominal bleeding is not dangerous as it will stop bleeding by itself due to the increased pressure in the abdomen:
If there are signs of tendon damage, the tendon must be sutured by a surgeon before closing the wound. If so, put on a dressing until qualified treatment can be administered:
A bandage is always applied to an open wound:
Breathing is controlled by the respiratory centre in the brain:
Head injury will lead to circulation failure:
The red blood cells are responsible for the transportation of oxygen:
A patient who breathes will always have a pulse rate?
Abdominal thrust is applied to remove foreign objects in the airway:
To protect a burn injury, we should never remove the patients clothing:
Cardiac arrest will always lead to unconsciousness:
Bandages must be sterile before use:
If you are unable to give a patient with an increased circulation failure due to bleeding, intravenous treatment, he should promptly be given plenty to drink to replace lost fluid:
Once a bandage is in place it should be left alone:
The position and direction of entry and exit wounds will alert you to the likely extent of hidden injury, and to the degree of shock that may ensue:
A person under influence of alcohol will suffer from frost injuries quicker than a sober person:
When performing C-P-R it is advisable to elevate the patient’s legs to secure sufficient blood to the chest and head:
You should terminate resuscitation after 15 minutes:
The walls in the blood vessels are completely resistant to diffusion:
Parts of the body can be used as splints:
The respiration system, above all, reacts to carbon dioxide levels in the blood:
All fires will burn easier and faster in an oxygen-rich environment. Therefore, do not use oxygen bottles near an open fire. Smoking is not allowed.
When there is an electrical burn there is a great danger of internal injuries:
R-I-C-E treatment has no effect if postponed more than 4 hours after the injury took place:
A patient who is shouting has an open airway:
A large dose of muscle relaxing medicaments can cause respiratory problems due to the reduced activity in the respiratory muscles:
Visible shortening of a limb is not necessarily a sign of a fracture:
Cooling does not reduce pain in a sprain:
Oxygen treatment is most important with injury to the head/neck/spine:
Heat-stroke can occur suddenly, causing unconsciousness within minutes. This may be signaled by the casualty feeling uneasy and ill.
An unconscious patient suffering from a major spine injury should not be placed in recovery position, as this may increase the damage and lead to paralysis:
Your aims are to maintain the airway, breathing and circulation, to remove any contaminated clothing, to identify the poison and to obtain medical aid:
A haematoma can be caused by head injury:
The main goal of splinting is to render a pulling strain on the fractured bone ends, in order to prevent them from touching each over:
We have 3 circulatory systems for blood transportation:
The brain of hypothermic patients will consume less oxygen than usual:
The respiration system of a person suffering from flame burns is very exposed to damage:
A patient with a major burn is liable to develop circulation failure:
You should only use double nose catheters when treating two patients on one oxygen bottle:
A limb with an external bleeding should be lowered to maintain circulation in order to supply the cells with oxygen and prevent cell death:
It is the increased pressure in the head that is fatal, not the bleeding itself:
What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye?
Wring the eye-lid to prevent blinking.
To render correct first aid one should be certain that there is a fracture before treating the patient:
Moderate and deep hypothermia cause very unstable condition, and the patient must be inactive and treated very carefully:
Respiration while resting is normal if the frequency increases to more than 20 ventilations per minute:
A seriously hypothermic patient should as soon as possible be placed in a warm bath (>50 °C) to regain normal body heat:
A fractured spine will always imply unconsciousness:
Symptoms of serious head injury are unconsciousness, low pulse rate and high blood pressure:
A chemical burn from fluid must be bandaged firmly to prevent fluid from covering greater parts of the skin:
A triangular bandage is always used in its triangular shape:
The motor function and circulation distal to the fracture should always be assessed:
Bleeding will always occur together with a fracture, that breaks the skin:
Cardiac arrest leads to circulation failure:
When dealing with a heat stroke your aims are to lower the casualty’s body temperature as quickly as possible, and to arrange removal of the casualty to hospital. Do NOT use iced water as they may constrict blood vessels:
Improvised splints can only be made of solid materials:
A spine/neck injury will always have priority over every other injury due to the risk of paralysis:
Spillage of corrosive chemicals is poisonous and can also result in burns:
Dressing should always be larger than the wound they cover:
Most adults will endure a loss of blood of 1 litre:
When we deal with food poisoning your aims are to encourage the casualty to rest, to seek medical advice or aid, and to give the casualty plenty of bland fluids to drink:
A casualty with burns has less need for fluid:
Heat cramps seldom occurs after excessive sweating precipitated by strenuous exercise:
Grease and oil must never be used in connection with oxygen bottles, couplings and valves:
None of the tissue cells will die, only damaged when the casualty has a crush injury:
When treating an injury obtained by falling, it is of great importance to check the motor function in the extremities:
There are, at least, four distinct signs of fracture:
A sudden fall in blood pressure does not normally lead to circulation failure:
One of the main tasks of the blood is to transport oxygen to body’s cells:
Normal resting rate of pulse in a healthy adult is about 2-3 beats per second:
A good splint should prevent adequate blood circulation and compress nerves, so the casualty will not feel any pain:
When an ambulance or more qualified personnel arrives at the scene, there is no need to tell them about the poisonous chemical inhaled since they will find out themselves:
Flush away any residual chemical on the skin with plenty of cold water. Be sure, that the water does not flush away from the casualty’s body:
Damage to the spinal cord will always result in immediate neurological malfunction:
There is nothing more you can do to prevent food poisoning, than ensure that frozen poultry and meat are fully defrosted before it is cooked. Cook meat, poultry, fish, and eggs thoroughly to kill harmful bacteria. Never keep food lukewarm for long periods; bacteria can multiply without obvious signs of spoilage:
Any major bleeding must be stopped before treating a wound: